🗝Chapter Six: Unavoidable

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Sir Luca released them late from their classes after thoroughly drilling into their heads that they were not to work on their magic outside of class. The sun was already beginging to fall from its place high in the sky. Dinner would be soon and she was voraciously hungry.

Still, along with her the other two girls, they returned to their room to change.

Standing in front of her wardrobe, she grimmaced as she removed her tunic.

She wasn't worried about changing her clothes, truth be told Morganna was far from modest, but she was hesitant, especially since she was sure any minute one of her friends was going to make a comment.

It didn't take long.

"Holy cow!" Unexpectedly it was Lilli who spoke first.

Morganna slipped on a low cut tunic and a loose jacket, and turned to face her friends.

Both stared at her in wonderment before staring down at their own chests.

"I was going to mention it earlier and I forgot cause it's been such a busy day, but your boobs are like... really huge." Lilli said as she stared down at her own tiny chest, annoyance in her eyes.

Ruby nodded in a agreement and placed a finger on her cheek as she eyed Morganna up and down.

"How dare you have such a glorious asset, it's too much." Ruby inquired, almost annoyed.

Morganna rolled her eyes. "Glorious as they may be, they get in the way when I'm doing things." She ran her hands through a tangle of her hair, exasperated. "Anyways, it's not like they're that big."

Rubys had dropped. "Not that big? Really, I bet you could hide a kitten in those things."

Morganna chuckled and pulled on a piece of her hair before looking her friends direction.

"In trying to be modest. I can't be intelligent, strong, and busty, that's just unfair to the rest of you."

Ruby stuck out her tongue and glared.

"Oh sure, that's definently something a modest person would say." The sarcasm dripped out of Ruby as Lilli continued stare at her own chest.

"Anyways, let's stop talking about my chest and go eat.


Like that their days passed and before Morganna knew it, four months had already gone by. Each day was new and exciting, nearly every class she learned something, and after four months of constant training, she found she was becoming quite good at using her sword.

Even sir Luca was impressed, though he wasn't one to admit it. Only her and three others had been allowed to graduate from wearing the padded armor. Marlow, Larrlick, Ruby being the others.

Taking a short break from practice, Morganna found herself sweating under the hot sun above them. Larrlick, stood beside her, offering her a damp cloth. Taking it, she wiped away the sweat and sighed deeply. Her eyes wandered off for a moment before she saw a flash of blonde in the distance. She could feel the corners of her mouth turn up, but she bit back the urge to smile and settled on a neutral expression.

Larrlick raised an eyebrow, but before he could open his mouth Marlow and Ruby had made their way over to them.

"Ugh, tell me that this heat will go away. " Ruby whined.

Marlow shook his head. In the four months since they started they'd come to get to know him well. Out of the ten of them, Marlow was the only one from the area, and even before summer had started he'd warned them that it was going to be brutally hot.

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