🗝Chapter Seven: Big Brother is a Fool

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The door closed with a thud, and as soon as the three students were gone from her sight, Yuli's eyes hardened, rage burbled up in her throat. She tried to contain it, taking deep long breaths and exhaling slowly, but it had no effect.

She was furious. Getting up, she flattened the skirt of her coat and headed to the door. Wrenching it open, she stomped out the door, her feet carrying her down the hall until she reached what she was looking for.

She was sure he could feel her coming.

"Stelllllaaaaaaaaannnnnn." She growled, as she found herself outside his door.

He didn't respond.

She grabbed the handle and turned it, but met a heavy resistance.

"Oppppeeeennn theeeee doooooooooor." Her voice was almost inhuman, and she heard a slight whimper come from behind it.

"N-no... you'll hurt me."

Her anger welled up and before she could control herself, a red glowing fist smashed through one of the patchwork sections near the handle. Then again, and again, and again, until five holes burned with a shimmery glint.

"Open the goddamn door or I'll set your study on fire again, big brother."
She spat out the last word with distaste and fury.

She heard his light footsteps and carefully removed her hand as the door swung open to reveal an absolutely terrified Stellan. She strode into the room, her skirt billowing as she made her way to her brother. He cowered in fear.

"Please don't hurt me, I don't even know what I did this time!" He whined.

She grabbed his collar and hoisted him up.

"Tell me why I just had a student in my office with a wound that practically dripped with shadow magic. Depending on your answer, I might just actually murder you."

He pulled himself free and despite his previous demeanor, he had an air of worry and something she knew to be fear.

He covered his mouth for a second and closed his eyes, mentally steadying himself.

"Sit, Yuli." She glared, but took a seat across from his chair. Once she was down, he returned to his own seat. Clasping his hands together, his face was grave.

"Tell me... is it happening...again?" She asked.

"I'm not one hundred percent sure, but it seems that the answer is...yes."

"I saw her bands, she's a celestial affinity, isn't she?" Her voice almost trembled, but she held herself together.

He nodded, hair swaying with the motion.

"It seems we have another shadow affinity as well, in the same class to be exact. I fear the past may happen again," He covered his eyes. "I didn't want to believe it when I saw them, but things are already happening as they had. I told Luca to wat-"

"Brother." Once again anger filled her voice, but this time it was ringed with fear. "Do not tell me you're making him watch over them, you know perfectly well how hard this has to be on him, she-"

It was his turn to interrupt her.

"I do not imagine that he has noticed nor realized the extent of what is going on. Honestly, I wish not to involve him, to keep him away from this all..." tears welled up in her brothers eyes and Yuli almost got up to hug him, but she stayed sitting. She crossed her legs and put her hands on his desk, leaning forward so that she could glare at her brother.

"I just don't understand why you would do this to him, your oldest, dearest, dare I say only friend."

"Because... there is no other choice. We have no other choice, Yuli. Out of everyone here, he is the only one that keep the poor boy with the shadow affinity in check."

She glared at him, her eyes burning into him as he tried to avoid her gaze.

"Kick the boy out then. I won't let you hurt him or that girl ever again. Do I have to tell you what it's like to heal a wound that has shadow magic in it, do I?"

He shook his head. "No yo-"

"Shut up and listen, because I obviously do, you dumbass." She took a deep breath. "You dont understand... It causes such immense pain, not just for the one being healed, but for the healer as well. I nearly screamed along with that poor girl. That magic corrupts those who come in contact with it, and had she not been a celestial...I'm not sure I would have been able to help her. Any normal human wouldn't have fared half as well as she did."

Stellan closed his eyes, his chest rising as he sighed deeply.

"Yulita, I can not kick the poor boy out. He must be watched... I fear what may happen if he is not. It is better to have him here than somewhere where there are none to help. I am sorry... for the past and for the future. But... there is no choice."

Yuli couldn't hold it in anymore and all the feelings she had been holding back, burst out of her like a dam.

"Promise me you won't let him get hurt like that ever again." She said through her tears.

Tears were falling from his own eyes.

"I'm sorry..."

Yuli couldn't hold herself together anymore as sobs wracked her body.

"You're horrible, big brother."

"I know..." was all he whispered.

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