🗝Chapter Two: Meet, Greet, Go

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Luca stared at the nine people before him, eyeing each one and measuring the auras that bloomed out of them in varying sizes. His blue eyes cold as they returned his gaze. Most were nervous, some seemed cocky, a few were calm, but he didn't care. The magical power that emanated from the lot of them was paltry compared to the students the other instructors had received.

Year after year Luca was given the worst of the worst, and year after year he grew tired of it. Perhaps it was a divine punishment, or perhaps the headmaster expected more from him. His students, no matter how horrible, no matter how little magical power they started out with, became the most sought after Magical Knights of the region.

After few more moments of sizing them up,  he began to speak,  his voice low.

"Welcome to Hadrian Academy,  I am-"

Midway through his words, the door slammed open, cracking at the hinges. All heads turned to face the person, their eyes wide at the newcomer.

She was taller than most women, with long, thick, and wavy brown hair that fell only slightly above her waist. Her eyes were a similar shade as her hair, but she had a mischievous and almost wild glint in them. She was staring at the door, regret apparent on her face.

"S-sorry, I got lost. I'm so sorry for being late."

Luca raised an eyebrow, and with a lowered head she headed towards the end of the line.

He coughed. "As I was saying, welcome to Hadrian Academy. I am Luca Soultwisch and I will be your instructor for the next four years, you may call me Sir Luca." he paused, sweeping his eyes over his students before continuing. "I am sure you will hear from other students, or perhaps from other instructors, but I will not be your friend. I will not coddle you. I will make your life  living hell for the next four years, and if you cannot handle this, leave now."

A few people muttered nervously, but none made any move to leave.

With his mouth set in a straight line, he reached into the pocket and pulled out a handful of clear stones.

Stepping towards the first one in line, a tall, lithe blonde with doe like eyes, he motioned for the man to take it.

Within seconds the stone lit up, vibrant reds and blacks swirling as the holder stood there, shocked. Luca bit back a curse and spoke.

"State your name." Luca ordered.

The man stared at the rock for a moment more and blinked before he opened his mouth.

"I am Cais Elverquin of-"

Luca cut him off. "I do not need to know where you are from."

Luca turned to the next man with tan skin and black curly hair. Gingerly taking the stone from luca's hand, it lit up, murky browns and greens. Luca nodded ever so slightly.

"Van Enestra."

The next in line was a small female, her own eyes just as blue as his, her golden hair trimmed shortly against her face in a cut similar to his own.

She wasted no time taking the stone from him and like the man named Cais, it burned a vibrant red, although hers was tinged with grey.

Slightly surprised, Luca eyed her.  She smiled and bowed.

"I am Ruby Armertia."

Luca furrowed his brow. "I knew your father, he was a good man."

The girl beamed as he moved forward. Another female with long black hair and deep brown eyes stood expressionless, her hand outstretched already. He dropped the stone into her waiting hand.

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