🗝Chapter Four: Breakfast and Lessons

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Morganna awoke to a sliver of pale moonlight that shined down on her face and a hand on her wrist. Her reflexes kicked in and she wrenched her arm free and kicked the person away.

She blinked. Lilli stood beside her, shocked.

"I'm so sorry Lilli!" Morganna said, bolting out of bed and checking on her new friend. Lilli was fine, but Morganna apologized profusely anyways.

"It's fine. Time to get up, classes start in an hour." Lilli said as she began to strip away her nightclothes.

Morganna wiped the sleep from her eyes and yawned.  Stretching her back out, she shivered from the cold morning air and yawned once again.

After a moment, Ruby popped up from her bed and glared at the the two of them, her eyes puffy.

"How dare you peasants wake me up, I'll have your heads, you know!" Ruby's voice was low and venomous. Lilli and Morganna stared at each other for a moment before they both erupted in laughter.

"Oh, get up Ruby. We have to get ready." Lilli's voice was calm but annoyed.

Ruby hissed, but after a few seconds, threw off her covers and jumped out of bed, naked, angry,  and her blonde hair a mess.

"Goddamn it, fine." Ruby strode across the room to the wardrobe across from her bed, and thrust it open. Yanking out a long black coat with grey and red bands around the wrists, and a pair of black form fitting trousers, she went back to her bed and sat down, muttering under her breath. 

Lilli stifled a giggle and did the same, though her coat had brown and green bands instead.

Morganna looked at them curiously before Lilli took pity on her and explained that their uniforms had arrived soon after she'd fallen asleep and they'd placed hers in her own wardrobe.

Making her way to it, she stumbled and bit back a curse. The rock from yesterday had somehow gotten out of her pocket and onto the floor. Picking it up, she placed it next to the window and  continued onward.

Pulling her uniform from its hanger, Morganna gasped. Fingering it, she was pleasantly surprised to find that despite everything else at the academy, it was of decent quality. Brand new even. The fabric was soft but sturdy. The silver buttons that dotted the front shined, and she was sure they were real silver. Turning it around, she stared at the silver trim on the hem. It was gorgeous and completely unexpected.

Lilli tilted her head and smiled slightly.

"I was surprised too, but I heard someone made a considerable donation so that we could have new uniforms." Lilli glanced over at Ruby, who was busy stuffing her face with a piece of bread that  had magically appeared.

"Wha-" she swallowed the rest of it in one gulp, and licked her fingers. "My family may not be as rich as the others, but we are by no means so poor that we cannot afford to donate money for the new uniforms. If I have to spend four years here I'm going to be wearing something that no one else has."

Morganna smiled and bowed. "Well  we thank you, Lady Ruby. "

Ruby shot her a foul look as she stuffed another piece of bread in her mouth. A few chews later, she opened her mouth to speak once again.

"Don't mention it to the others, and never call me Lady Ruby again. I hate it, I don't need people treating me any differently. I am Ruby and I will be a Knight, not some lady that needs saving."

Morganna smoothed her hair nervously.

"Sorry, I meant it in jest. I completely understand, we are going to be knights not ladies."

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