Chapter 5

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We got back to camp just as Cody finished cooking the squirrels. Everyone turned their heads toward us.

"Are you guys alright?" Brendon mumbled.

"Yeah, we're fine. Amala got ambushed by a group of Lurkers and she ended up killing them with her water bottle!" Aaron exclaimed.

"Really? You shouldn't have left your weapons in the tent! You could've gotten Scarlett and Aaron killed!" Lyndsey yelled, marching up to me.

"They weren't even close to the Lurkers! Also, by the time that they got there I was killing the last one! They weren't going to get hurt!" I retorted.

 "Why did you let her here, Aaron? She is just going to get us all killed!" She yelled, turning to Aaron.

"No, she's not! She handled herself in the most resourceful way that I've ever seen! If she can kill Lurkers with her water bottle, by herself, then I think that she has earned her place in the group!" Aaron said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah! We need more people to defend the camp anyway. You are doing a good job, Lyndsey, but you can't possibly defend the camp by yourself when the rest of us are out hunting and scavenging," Scarlett added.

"I don't need her help. I don't need help at all!" Lyndsey said.

"Well, too bad. She's here now, and you aren't changing that," Aaron said.

Lyndsey turned around and marched off in a huff. 

"Why does she hate me?" I asked.

"She has a crush on me and doesn't like it when I talk to anyone but her. Especially when I'm talking to someone new to the group," Aaron explained.

"Do you like her back?" Scarlett asked.

"Hell no. She's way too controlling and gets jealous way too easily," He said, his nose crinkling up in disgust. "I think she knows that I don't like her, but she just won't give up on the fact that she thinks we are meant to be together."

"Wow. She definitely has some issues," I said, laughing slightly.

"You can say that again."

We sat by the fire and began eating our dinner. The only sounds that were heard were chewing, and the wind blowing through the brightly colored leaves.

"These squirrels are delicious, Cody! You are an amazing cook!" I complimented.

"Thanks, Amala! I'm glad you like it!" He said, his face turning slightly pink from the compliment.

We all continued eating in silence. Aaron was to my left, and Scarlett was to my left. Lyndsey sat on the other side of Scarlett. The two kids sat on the other side of Lyndsey with Brendon next to them. Finally, Cody was sitting to Aaron's left. Since there weren't eight squirrels, Aaron and I halved one, and because of that I could feel Lyndsey's glare on me the entire meal.

"Thanks for sharing half of your food with me, Aaron. I appreciate it!" I thanked.

"Don't worry about it, Amala. We can't leave you without food, now can we?" He joked.

After everyone was finished eating it was time to decide who would take first and second watch for the night.

"Lyndsey should take first watch, and Amala should take the second watch," Aaron suggested.

Everyone agreed with that idea. Even Lyndsey, since she didn't have to share a shift with me. 

"I'll wake you up at around two in the morning. You had better get up," Lyndsey said, glaring daggers at me.

"I'll get up! You don't even have to worry!" I said, smiling at her.

Scarlett grabbed my wrist and began leading me away from Lyndsey and into the tent.

"Are you sure that you are okay sleeping on the ground?" Scarlett asked after we got inside the tent.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Goodnight, Scarlett!" I said as I laid down.

"Goodnight, Amala!"

I woke up to the feeling of being kicked in my side. I opened my eyes and glared at the person who was kicking me. It was Lyndsey.

"Don't kick me," I growled.

Lyndsey rolled her eyes in annoyance, "It's time for you to take over my shift."

"No shit, Sherlock," I mumbled as I got up.

Lyndsey left the tent, and I assumed that she went into hers. I got my gun and my machete and exited the tent quietly. On one side of the camp there is a rather large rock that if I sat on the top, Lurkers wouldn't be able to reach me. I climbed up onto the rock and sat there, observing everything. I heard the rustling of leaves in the distance. I turned my head and got my gun into one hand, and my machete in the other. Suddenly, two people emerged from the trees. I quickly put my machete in its sheath and pointed my gun at the two strangers with both hands.

"Hey! Stay back!" I said, standing up on the rock.

The two strangers pointed their guns at me.

"Who are you?" I asked harshly.

"What's it to you?" One person asked.

"This is my camp. My camp, my rules. So tell me who you people are!" I yelled, loud enough for everyone to hear.

The two people whispered to each other before approaching me, their guns still drawn.

"From what we can tell, you're the only one here. If we kill you, no one would even know," One taunted.

"That's what you think."

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