Chapter 27

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I woke up in a cold bed. I opened my eyes and realized that Aaron wasn't in the room at all. I looked around and saw a piece of paper sitting on the dresser. I got up and groggily walked over to the dresser and began reading the paper.


I got called down to the testing chambers. When you read this, come on down here. I think you might want to watch the next trial.



I set the note back down on the dresser and got changed. When I was done, I left my room and walked to the testing chambers. When I got there, Aaron and Rayne were watching something through a window.

"What's going on? What's the trial?" I asked, rubbing my eyes sleepily.

"We needed to do one more test of the vaccine. We thought that your father would be the best candidate," Rayne explained.

"But, I thought that the vaccine was a failure," I stated, completely confused.

Rayne winked at me, and I immediately understood. My dad, whos face was bloody and bruised, looked at the window and glared at me with an evil smirk falling on his features. Then, one of the workers approached him and injected him with the vaccine. My dad let out a cry of pain when the vaccine was injected into him.

"Why did he do that?" I asked Rayne.

"Apparently, the vaccine creates an intense burning sensation when it is injected into the bloodstream," Rayne explained.

I nodded and we continued watching my father.

"Release the Lurker," Rayne ordered through the intercom.

A gate opened and a lone Lurker emerged from the room and walked towards my father.

"Now, I want you to allow the Lurker to bite you, Mr. Delia," Rayne said through the intercom.

My dad put on a brave face, one that was obviously fake, and turned to face the Lurker head-on. As the Lurker slowly approached my dad, I could see him getting increasingly nervous. Finally, the Lurker sank its teeth into my dad's shoulder. My dad screamed out in agony, and an evil smile found its way onto my face without me realizing it. Then, another worker shot the Lurker in the head, killing it.

"Mr. Delia, I want you to sit down in that chair behind you and we will see if the newest vaccine will work," Rayne said into the microphone.

My dad turned and sat down in the chair. Blood was gushing out of his shoulder, creating a large puddle on the floor. I could see my dad paling significantly due to blood loss. We watched as my dad's vital signs slowed down, and eventually stopping altogether.

"There you go. He won't be bothering you anymore," Rayne said, turning to me.

"Are you sure that it was the right thing to do?" I asked.

"He agreed to participate in the trial. He knew that there would be a chance that it wouldn't work. He was just too arrogant to properly weigh out the consequences," Aaron said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"I guess so. Thank you guys," I said.

"No problem. Now, go and get some more sleep. It's still very early," Rayne said.

I looked over at the clock and my eyes widened. It was three in the morning.

"I didn't realize it was that early..." I said.

"Come on. Let's go back to sleep," Aaron said.

He and I walked back to our room. We both changed back into our pajamas and climbed back into bed.

Dead or AliveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora