Chapter 20

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Gary and I spent all day mixing different chemicals together. By the end of the day, we had only one combination left to try. 

"Alright, let's try it," I said, getting ready for yet another explosion.

Earlier in the day, mixing some of the chemicals together caused an enormous explosion. Thus, catching Gary's hair on fire. I slowly pour the Angelic Acid into the Cadaverine solution. Smoke started rising from the beaker and it began bubbling at a tremendous rate. Gary and I brace for an explosion, but nothing happens. The new solution has turned a fluorescent blue shade. 

"Well, let's see how this works," Gary said. 

I put some of the solution into a syringe and approach a Lurker that hasn't been injected yet. I quickly handcuff the Lurker to the cell bars and walked inside the cell. I injected the Lurker with the solution, and immediately the Lurker begins convulsing.

"Amala! Get out of there!" Gary yells from his station at the control panel.

I run out of the cell and approach Gary at the panel.

"What are the Lurker's vital signs looking like?" I asked.

"It's remarkable!" Gary exclaimed, "The vital signs are going crazy! Look!"

I look at the monitor, and indeed, the vital signs of the Lurker are going insane. I hurriedly run up the stairs.

"Everyone! Get down here! You don't wanna miss this!" I yelled. 

Everyone rises from their seat and runs after me down the stairs. All of us huddle around the monitor, holding our breaths in anticipation. Suddenly, the vital signs stop, then start functioning at a normal pace. We all look at the Lurker and see its skin slowly transforming back into a natural shade. All of us start cheering with excitement, and Scarlett envelops me in a hug. When we let go, someone from behind me grabbed my wrist, spun me around, and kissed me! My eyes widened in shock, then the person pulled away. I looked up at the person to see that it's Aaron who had a dark red tint to his face. I smirk, grabbed him by his shirt, and kissed him just as he did to me. He tensed up but eventually kissed back.

I pulled away and mouthed, 'We'll talk later'

He nodded and we turned to look back at the Lurker. The Lurker now looked completely human! The Lurker now clearly looked like a woman in her late thirties. I walked up to it and it opened its eyes.

"Where....where am I?" The lady asked.

"You are in a makeshift lab. You were bitten by a Lurker, and you turned. We injected you with a cure," I said, taking off the handcuffs.

"Where's my family?!" The lady said, fear intertwining itself in her voice.

"I'm sorry, but you were the first one to be cured. We have no idea where your family is," I said.

The lady fell to the floor sobbing at the news. I bent down with her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Scarlett, can you go upstairs and get her a blanket and make her some tea please?" I asked.

"On it!" Scarlett exclaimed.

Aaron joined me on the floor and put a hand on my shoulder. I smiled sadly up at him as I tried to comfort the lady.

"What is your name?" I asked softly.

"Alexandrea Boatwright," she said.

Scarlett came down the stairs with a blanket and a mug filled with Passion Flower tea. She handed me the blanket and I wrapped it around Alexandrea's shoulders, and Scarlett handed her the tea.

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