Chapter 19

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~Two Days Later~

"Alright, everyone. We have had one full day to mourn the losses that took place. However, we need to get back to work," Gary said.

No one had gotten much sleep last night, or the night before for that matter. Scarlett stayed up until three in the morning both nights, crying her eyes out for the loss of the twins.

"No child should've gone like that! It's not right!" she cried.

All of us tried to comfort her, but our emotions were too raw to be of any help. I visited their grave last night and talked to them. I stayed there until the moon was at its peak in the sky. All of us loved those kids. They were always so happy and full of light. They were always willing to help whoever needed it. But now those lights are gone. 

"What do you need us to do, Gary?" I asked solemnly.

"We need to find a cure. To keep anyone else from meeting the same fate as the twins. As your loved ones," Gary said.

My thoughts immediately went back to Clementine. How I could see the fear in her eyes. Her screams still haunt my dreams. I don't even want to know what happened to my family. I can't bear to think of them meeting the same fate. I looked over at Aaron. His eyes held memories like mine. His dark brown hair, which has gotten significantly longer since I met him, was beginning to fall down his face as he stared at the floor. All of us had lost people, but my heart ached for Aaron. Everyone in his family met the same fate, in a different way. It's heartbreaking. I honestly don't know how he is still so caring, after everything that has happened. I wish I knew what happened to everyone else's family, but I know that it would still be too raw for them to openly talk about it. Even though it's been a little over four months. 

"What else is there to do?" I asked.

"We can try to use some of the chemicals that we already have to try to get a cure. We may need to try mixtures in order to get the desired effect," Gary said.

"Gary, I don't think any of us are able to do that today. We should take a break," Aaron said, looking over at everyone.

"But we're so close, guys!" Gary exclaimed.

"Gary. We need some time. We lost four people yesterday," Lyndsey stated, standing up from the lounge chair that she was sharing with Scarlett.

Speaking of Scarlett, the poor girl has gotten even paler than she was before. Her eyes have lost the excitement that filled them when I first met her. Not to mention that they are extremely blood-shot. She just stares into space like she's looking directly through all of us. All of us have tried to at least get her to look at us, but she never does.

"Fine. But this cure could save people from meeting the same fate," Gary said, storming up the stairs to the floor above us.

I sighed and gazed out of the window. The leaves had fallen off of the trees and snow was beginning to fall softly downward. I always loved this time of year. Especially now, since the extreme cold is able to stop the Lurkers from moving; according to Gary's studies anyway. I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my head against the window. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head and see Aaron looking down at me.

"I need to have a word with you. In private," he said.

I nodded and got up from my spot on the window seat. Aaron walked into the backyard, and I followed him. As soon as my body met the frigid air, I immediately shivered and pulled my leather jacket tighter around me. I closed the back door and saw Aaron leaning against the oak tree. I walked up to him, snowflakes falling and getting trapped in my hair and eyelashes.

"What do you need?" I asked.

"Everyone's morale is low," he stated.

"Yeah, you're right. I wish there was something I could do to fix it," I said, a twinge of disappointment lacing itself into my voice. 

Upon hearing this, Aaron grasped my shoulders and shook me gently but forcefully.

"There is nothing you can do. You don't have to take on every task yourself, do you hear me? You will run yourself into the ground if you continue to take responsibility for everything that goes wrong! Doing that will get you killed! I wouldn't be able to take it if that happened to you!" 

As soon as those words fell out of Aaron's mouth, his eyes went wide and he let go of my shoulders and backed up.

"What do you mean?" I asked, completely shell-shocked.

Aaron shook his head as if to force himself out of his thoughts, "It's just that you're an amazing friend, and I'd be heartbroken if you died because you ran yourself to the ground."

"Oh. The same to you, Aaron," I said.

Aaron smiled and wrapped his arms around me in a hug. 

"You're warm!" Aaron said, surprised.

"I don't see how! I'm freezing!" I exclaimed, moving slightly closer to Aaron.

"Well then let's go back inside and get a fire started in the fireplace," Aaron said, releasing me from the hug.

I nodded and the both of us walked back inside the house. 

When we got back inside, Aaron smiled at me and went to the fireplace to start making a fire. I looked around and saw that Gary still hasn't come downstairs. I groaned inwardly and made my way up the stairs. None of us have been up here, so I don't even have the slightest idea as to which room he's in. There are four doors, so three possibilities to get the wrong room. I decided to knock on the second door on the right. 

"Come in," I heard from behind the door.

"Wow! I'm surprised I got that right on the first try!" I thought to myself.

I opened the door slowly and poked my head inside the room. Gary was sitting at a desk, completely concentrated on a piece of paper as he was writing on it very quickly.

"Are you okay, Gary?" I asked, stepping into the room fully and closing the door behind me.

"We are so close to finding a cure, Amala. Every day that we wait, maybe hundreds of innocent people are dying because of those things out there," Gary said.

"Gary, I understand that. I really do. But we have lost a lot of people in a really short amount of time. You didn't really know them, so obviously you aren't as hurt as the rest of us. None of us really cared about Alan, and we didn't really know Levy, but we lost two children. Sure, they weren't related to any of us, but we loved them as if we were. You can't just expect people to immediately bounce back from that," I said. 

"I just want to bring my dad back. Don't you have someone that you want to bring back?" Gary asked.

"I have no idea where my family is. I had to kill my friend after she turned into a Lurker. I have nobody," I said, "But I will help you if I can."

"Thanks, Amala. When do you think you are able to work on the cure with me?" Gary asked.

"What about now?" I asked.

"That would be perfect."

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