Chapter 28

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The next day, I was feeling significantly better. Just after Aaron and I got dressed, Scarlett barged in the door.

"You guys need to get down to the cafeteria! Rayne is about to make an announcement!" she exclaimed.

All three of us jogged into the cafeteria. When we got there, every seat was filled. We found the rest of our group standing in the back, and we walked to join them.

"Do you guys know what's going on?" I asked.

"I don't know. I just heard that Rayne has something extremely important to say," Lyndsey said.

We stood there talking until we saw Rayne getting up on top of a table with a microphone. Then, everyone grew silent.

"Thank you all for showing up for this announcement! I have some exciting news to share with you! We are extremely close to creating a vaccine! Amala and her group got us started, and now we have made significant progress on the vaccine! I would say in about two months, the final vaccine will be complete," Rayne announced into the microphone.

Everyone in the room cheered loudly at the news. Claps erupted, drowning out all other sounds.

"Now, I know that it is very unlikely that this grand amount of progress could be made in such a short time, but this facility is known for challenging all improbabilities and impossibilities. Breaking such standards is what we're known for! We will meet every obstacle and break through it! We will cause the end of the outbreak! We will exterminate every single Lurker in the world," Rayne exclaimed.

Once again, cheers erupted throughout the room. I ended up gripping onto Aaron's hand as I felt my anxiety rising slightly. He gently pulled me so I was standing in front of him, with my back facing him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on the top of my head.

"So, that's about it! Thank you all again for aiding us on creating the vaccine! We wouldn't be able to do this without you," Rayne said into the microphone.

Rayne stepped down from the table and turned off the microphone. Slowly, everyone dispersed to various parts of the building. 

"Well, that was interesting," I muttered.

"Definitely. Are you okay?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said, leaning back into Aaron slightly.

"Wanna go and get food guys?" Scarlett asked.

Just then, my stomach growled loudly.

"Oh yeah," I said, laughing.

We went through the breakfast line, got our food, and sat down at a random table. We ate our breakfast, talking about whatever came to mind. When we finished, we put our trays away and began walking around the facility. 

"I wonder what we should do today," Scarlett said.

"Same. I don't think there's anything that needs to be done right now," I said.

Suddenly, Rayne walked up to us.

"So, I know that it's your day off and all, but we need your help with the vaccine," she said.

"Alright. What do you need?" I asked.

"Since you got us extremely close, we just need your help and some different ingredients that we can use as well," Rayne informed.

"We'll be right there!" I said.

"Actually, we just need you, Amala," Rayne said.

"O-Okay, sure!" I stuttered.

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