Chapter 7

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Just as we were about to go quietly, Lyndsey tried to run through one of the groups. One of the members hit her in the head with his gun, knocking her unconscious.

"Now, would you like to join your friend?" The leader asked.

We all shook our heads and they began to bind our hands with rope. Once they did that, they began marching us back the way we came. One of the members of the group had Lyndsey draped over his shoulder.

"Well, at least we don't have to hear her nagging anymore," I whispered to Scarlett, who was walking next to me.

"I know! If she was conscious we would never hear the end of how 'we were wrong and she was right'" Scarlett replied.

We walked in silence for about forty-five minutes until we reached the edge of the woods. Down the hill, we saw a rather large warehouse with a very fortified fence surrounding it. We were marched down the rather steep hill, and to the front gate with two guards blocking the gate.

"Are these the people?" One of them asked.

"They are," The leader of the small group replied.

The two guards nodded and stepped aside from the gate, allowing us to be marched inside the foreboding walls.

Once we were inside I took notice of how many supplies they had. There was enough food to feed a small village for months! However, I also noticed the overall ambiance of the warehouse. It was cold. Everything was in neat tidy rows. We passed by many people, and all of them looked as though they hadn't smiled in months.

"Everything looks...sad," I whispered to Aaron, who was to my left.

"I know. I don't like it," He replied.

We reached a room in the very back of the warehouse and it looked like a holding cell. One big cell lined the entire back wall. One person who was leading the group opened the cell door and gestured for us to go inside. As we walked in one at a time, the guards undid our bindings. The guard that was carrying Lyndsey practically threw her into the cell. She hit the concrete floor and didn't move, completely unfazed by the hard impact.

"The Boss will speak to you one at a time. Don't do anything remotely stupid," One of the guards ordered.

We all stood there silent as the group of guards left the room and shut the door behind them.

" least they didn't kill us on sight," I said, trying to be optimistic.

"You're right! We may be prisoners here, but they might let us go!" Scarlett exclaimed.

"Now that's a little too far-fetched, Scarlett. They won't let us go. They will most likely keep us here as laborers or as Lurker bait," Aaron said.

A few minutes later, Lyndsey woke up and rubbed the back of her head.

"Oh no. Here comes the yelling," I mumbled.

"I told you that we should've crossed the creek! Now we are trapped here!" She yelled.

"If we had crossed the creek then they would've shot at us! Plus they were already on the other side of the creek, so even if we crossed the creek then they would've gotten us anyway! We were safer crossing over the bridge," I explained.

"Lyndsey, calm down. Yelling at everyone isn't going to solve our issue; it's just going to make it worse," Aaron said, trying to diffuse the situation.

"Shut up, Aaron! I'm just saying that if we had crossed over the creek instead of going over the bridge, we wouldn't have gotten caught. Just saying," Lyndsey said, glaring at me.

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