Chapter 18

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~Two Days Later~

As I walk down the abandoned hallway of the nearby elementary school, I heard groans coming from various different rooms. 

"I guess they had a lockdown and never made it out. Poor kids," I muttered to myself. 

I continued walking down different hallways looking for the science wing. When I rounded a corner, I heard the sound of voices. I darted behind some lockers and waited. Not too long after, Levy snuck up next to me.

"What's the holdup?" She asked, whispering.

"Raiders. They're looking for survivors so they can kill them and take their stuff," I explained.

"Got it. Have you found the science wing?" 

I peered out from behind the lockers, "Yeah, it's right behind those raiders"

"There has to be another way to get there. Let's go," Levy said.

I nodded and we began sneaking away from the group of raiders. We went around another corner and began walking normally. We made two right turns, and ended up on the other side of the science wing!

"Nice thinking, Levy!" I whispered.

She smiled and we walked into one of the classrooms. 

"So what are we here for again?" She asked after we closed the classroom door.

"Gary said he needed some chemicals. I think they are Cadaverine and Angelic Acid," I explained.

"What the hell is Angelic Acid?" Levy asked.

"From what Gary said, it's an organic acid found in garden angelica, Umbelliferae, and many other plants," I said, glancing at the paper Gary gave me.

"Well, let's start looking for it," Levy said.

Levy and I searched through multiple drawers, shelves, and cabinets. The last cabinet that we searched, held a large collection of assorted chemicals that were used for experiments. 

"I think there might be some of the chemicals in here," I said to Levy. 

I began looking through the multiple containers of chemicals, and eventually found Cadaverine and Angelic Acid.

"I found it! Let's hurry and head back to Gary!" I exclaimed, grabbing the vials of the different chemicals. 

I shut the cabinet door and we turned to leave. When we opened the classroom door, the raiders that we saw earlier standing in the doorway.

"Look at what we have here. I thought I heard some commotion in here!" One of the raiders taunted.

"Just let us go man. We just needed some chemicals," I said, slowly moving my hand to my pistol.

"You see, we can't do that. You have some good stuff on you, so just make this easy on us and you won't get hurt," Another raider said, pointing his gun at us.

I quickly slammed the door shut. Levy and I quickly moved a large cabinet in front of the door. 

"How are we going to get out of here?" I asked.

"Follow me. I know a way," she said. 

Levy opened another door and is connected to another classroom. We ran through multiple classrooms, blocking the doors as we go. After a while, we leave the classrooms and start running down the hallway. I hear footsteps not too far behind us. I look back and see that the raiders are right on our heels! I quickly open a classroom door that I previously heard Lurkers in, and continued running. Levy looked back and did the same. Suddenly, I felt two arms wrap around my waist and beginning to carry me backward. I call out for Levy, she turns and begins running toward me. I start struggling, trying to break out of the raider's grip. Levy uses her gun and hits the raider's arm, resulting in breaking it. The raider screams and lets me go. Levy grabs my arm and guides me away from the raider. I suddenly heard Levy scream. I turn back and see her getting bitten by a group of Lurkers. I raise my gun.

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