Chapter 1

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Authors note: I do NOT own any of the characters in this story besides the ones I create (Sky and Emma) Please do not steal any of my characters. Sky and Emma are mine. The creepypastas I mention in this story belong to their rightful owners. Stories that Emma/Sky writes are fake and I made them up in my head. Thank you!

--Narrator Emma--

    Emma sat quietly in the back of the class, listening to the teacher blabber about how important math will be in the near future. Its the last day of school, she doesn't care. Her long red hair lays limp across her back, occasionally swaying as she doodles in her notebook. The bell rings, she goes to stand up, running right into someone. Looking up she see's her teacher Mrs. Greene. "S-sorry" She mumbles keeping her head down as she heads out of the room. She goes to her locker first, grabbing her one notebook and her sweatshirt she rushes to her bus. She sits next to a couple of the older boys in the back. One of them -who's name is Shawn- smiles at her. She softly smiles back, admiring the pieces of metal on his eyebrow. 

    Shawn is 15, two years older than Emma. He was held back in fifth grade, as he told Emma when they first started talking. They walk home together, like usual. He drops her off at her house, they share a soft hug, then he leaves. She watches him go, smiling. Only Shawn makes her smile, when she's outside of her home that is. But as soon as she's on her computer, she has others. Other girls like her, friends. She never gets any hate for how she feels. People like her on there. They like her stories that she writes. She loves it. Emma's stories usually consists of three things:




        She has never written a love story in her life. As she logs onto her favorite reading site, she runs through her comments on her story The pain of dreaming seeing one comment that really interests her. Its a link, to a story about someone named Jeffrey Woods. She's confused, so she starts to read.By dinnertime, she's already finished the 12 chapters that are up. She leaves a comment on the story saying thank you for the link, and that she can't wait for the next update. Then she follows back her new followers and types up a quick status saying she'll update Haunting on Maple Wood road after she eats. Emma slips a frozen pizza in the oven, he mother doesn't get home till eight so she makes her own dinner. Emma goes back to the computer after eating to see that the other author has replied to her comment. She smiles and follows her.

Almost immediately the other follows back. Emma messages her, smiling when the other messages back. They talk for hours. Emma doesn't even notice her mother come home. She's too entranced with talking to the other girl, Sky as she found out her name. Around 9:45 Sky says that she needs to get off. They say their goodbyes. Emma quickly updates a chapter and logs out of her account, smiling while thinking about her new friend. She goes upstairs and gets ready for bed.

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