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---Narrator Eyeless Jack---

        Jack steps quietly into the younger girls room. He watches her eyes open, she smiles "You're back, its because I'm awesome right. Just can't get enough of me right?" she teases. Jack frowns from under his mask. "Sure" he says. "So about the left kidney...you still want it?" Sky asks smiling. Jack shrugs, slipping a finger underneath his mask to itch his cheek. "So...like do you?" she asks. "I don't know actually." he admits causing her to frown slightly. "What do you mean?" Sky asks frowning. Jack shrugs. "Uh...you like spam?" Sky asks. "Spam?" Jack counter asks. Sky nods happily, "Yeah, its like good food" she says. Jack's still confused. "Uh. Sure?" he says, though it comes out more of a question than an answer.

        Sky is suddenly out of the room in a heartbeat. Jack hears her digging around in the next room (Since her father is wealthy, they have two kitchens). She comes back smiling with a plate full of diced pink stuff. Jack frowns and takes it from her. Sky sits down in front of him, watching him with her beady little eyes. She looks quite scary in the moonlight. Her blue eyes look black, her blonde hair looks white, and her skin has shadows dancing and spiraling all over. Jack feels a pang in his chest. He frowns, looking down. 'What the hell?' he thinks. Sky raises her eyebrow. "Hello?" she says waving her hand in front of his face. Jack looks up at her, frowning a little until he realizes that he's been there for over an hour. Time flies fast...

"I have to go" he says

---Narrator Jeff---

        Jeff stands quietly in Emma's old room. Her mother is in her own room, quietly weeping over the police not being able to find her daughter. Jeff listens to her. Jeff sighs quietly, he writes a note.

Emma's mother,

Your Daughter is perfectly fine, she is not hurt at all. 

She has food and we have not hurt her.

She will not be coming back though.

She knows too much...


        Jeff sighs again, setting it and the pen down on the young girls bed. Hopefully her mother finds it. 'not all killers are cold and cruel' he thinks picking up the large orange cat. It purrs loudly, rubbing its face against his. He should take it home for her. Jeff carefully climbs out the widow, holding the fat cat under his sweatshirt. Its a warm night, he steps quickly into the forest. He was going to go killing tonight, but instead he ended up walking to Emma's old house. He walks back the the mansion, it looks small from the outside, but huge on huge on the inside. As he walks in, he see's E.J on the couch, head in his hands. 

        Jeff walks up the steps, seeing his door open, he frowns. 'She needs to stop leaving to door open, I have private things in here' he walks in. The room is empty. He drops the cat on the bed. Getting annoyed, he walks out of the room to find Emma. He finds her in the living room, playing jenga with Jane. Jeff glares at Jane, taking Emma's arm and dragging her up the stairs. Emma whimpers when he literally drops her on the floor in front of his room. "Do not. EVER leave my door open again!" He hisses bending down so he's at her level. Emma has tears in her eyes and a splinter in her leg. She nods, keeping her head down. "Good. And don't hang out with Jane either..." he growls. "Why not, she's nice" Emma whimpers. Jeff looks back at her. "She's nice? She's nice? Have you seen what she did to Becca?" he hisses stepping towards her. Emma looks down and nods silently as Jeff walks away angrily.

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