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Re-cap:  ​Emma looks over, seeing someone she'd never thought she'd see again...

---Narrator Emma---

        Shawn. Shawn is here. Shawn is giving her googly eyes. Jane noticed. Emma looks away, taking the bustier and putting it back. "I'm not wearing it" she states. Jane rolls her eyes and grabs a less 'showy' tee. "See this looks good" Jane grins. Emma shoots her a look. Emma tries her hardest to get out of Shawn's piercing green gaze. Emma gulps when she see's him heading her way. Quickly she slips into a different section of the store without him seeing. She peeks over a cart of bracelets and see's Shawn frowning in her direction. She squeaks as he walks forwards, she goes to take off but he grabs her arm. "Emma" he whispers. Emma gulps 'I thought I looked different?' she turns to look at him biting her lip. "Emma" he whispers pulling her into a hug.

        "Don't I look different?" she asks frowning. "Yeah, but your eyes are the same" he smirks. Emma blushes a little and looks down "oh..." she murmurs. Shawn sighs, hugging her again. "I have to go" he murmurs pulling away. "Who's that?" he whispers glancing at a worried looking Jane. "Its a friend, she's real nice. Hey wait, don't tell anyone you saw me okay?" Emma asks with a pleading look in her eyes. "Why?" Shawn asks. "Just because okay? You still have you phone right?" Emma says, Shawn nods smiling. Emma holds out her hand, grabbing a black sharpie from the counter to her right. Shawn writes his number and hugs her bye. 

        Emma sighs, watching Shawn leave with his friends. Jane walks over, smiling. "You know him don't you?" she whispers signaling to the numbers on Emma's arm. "Yeah..." Emma mumbles. "Can we just buy the stuff and get out of here?" Emma asks signalling to all the useless items in both her and Jane's arms. Jane nods, they start paying for everything. By the time they're done there's a line of people behind them. Which is funny considering its like three in the morning. Jane and Emma walks silently through the streets, trying not to drop any clothes that Jane insisted looked good on Emma. Emma now believes that Jane is a shopaholic.


        Emma sighs again, her legs hurt from walking but she see's the large mansion in the near distance. She drags along beside Jane with they're armfuls of clothes. They walk into the 'house' to see it destroyed. "Looks like he woke up" Jane grumbles dropping the bags. Loud footsteps echo throughout the house.





        Emma gulps, hearing footsteps stomp down the steps. She glances over at Jane, who is no longer next to her, but in front of her. Holding a knife. Emma takes a step back when Jane is thrown backwards. Emma does the first thing that comes to her mind. Drop everything and run. She takes off up the steps, running right into a very gloomy colored clown. Emma screams again, being grabbed by Jeff who is trying to get Jane off of his leg.

        "He he what's he- going on? Can I play?" the clown giggles again. Jeff shoots him a look, while yanking on Jane's hair. "Get off whore!" he hisses kicking his leg. Emma screams again. "He he I don't think the red one's he he having much fun" The clown giggles. Jeff covers Emma's mouth "No, we're having loads of fun L.J" Jeff hisses. Emma bites hard on Jeff's fingers making him let go slightly. She swings her arm around, hitting his stomach, then takes off down the hallway. Locking herself in the bathroom.

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