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---Narrator Jeff---

    Jeff walks briskly into the forest, running into Eyeless Jack on the way. "Jeff he-" Jeff cuts him off. Holding out his knife as a warning. Jeff jumps over a log, almost running to the small town the little girl calls a home. Jeff sighs walking on the edge of the forest, he see's a small cottage house. Peeking in through a window he see's a boy with blonde hair and greenish colored eyes. The boy is watching TV and playing with his phone anxiously. "Shawn" he hears the boys mother say. The boy, Shawn looks towards his mother. "Do the dishes, you can't just sit there waiting for her to call" his mother scolds. The boy sighs and stands up. 'This isn't a good house' Jeff thinks walking away quickly to get to the safety of the forest.

    He walks around a little before finding another nice little house. The lights are shut off, saying that everyone is asleep. Opening the window he see's a sleeping girl, the girl has dark almond hair and pale skin. He watches from a dark corner of her room. Jeff smirks touching the blade to his finger, making sure its sharp. "Go. To. Sleep" he whispers shoving the blade into her stomach. Blood pours out the sides of her mouth, she starts to choke on it. "Shut the fuck up" he hisses slicing her throat.

​        Jeff sighs, not feeling relief. "Time for another" he whispers.

---Narrator Emma---

        Emma rubs her face, feeling sleepy. "I'm gonna go to bed" She whispers to Ben. He nods, pausing the game so he can switch it to one player. Emma heads upstairs, walking to Jane's room. Knocking, with no answer she peeks in. Jane's asleep. Emma slips into the room and crawls into the soft plushie red chair in the corner of the room, falling asleep.

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