Chapter 7

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---Narrator Sky---

Sky wakes up, suddenly getting an Idea. She grabs her laptop and quietly logs into her account. She see's that Emma is online, smiling she messages her.

Sky: Hey Em!

Emma: Hello

Sky: What's up?

Emma: Nothing  you?

Sky: I just got the most amazing idea for my JTK fanfiction!

Emma: Really? Can I know or do I have to wait?

Sky: I'll tell you  Well I got the idea that Emily should have a really bad dream and have a seizure while she's in the library. Then, Jeff sneaks in and watches her from outside the hospital. But Emily's mother is in the room so he can't get in, but she leaves to the bathroom and he locks her in! I'm like fangirling right now!

Emma: Oh my god, that sounds amazing! I can't wait!

Sky: I'm working on it right now >.<

---Narrator Jeff---

                Jeff grins at the computer screen, getting an amazing idea from this little girl. He walks up the steps to Emma's room, grabbing a couple of her notebooks and that old empty notebook. He takes the laptop and slips out the back door, his large hound following close behind. Jeff steps farther into the green forest, smiling. He steps over mossy logs and rocks, "Smile, come on. Stop sniffing that we have to go" Jeff groans walking towards the hospital. After about thirty minutes of walking, Jeff starts to see the hospital in the distance. Jeff gets a hint of anger. He doesn't even know which room is hers, the other girl never specified. He frowns. This is all messed, Jeff doesn't understand what he's supposed to do.

        He opens the laptop, seeing the other girl has already uploaded the next chapter. He skims over it, the window with the pretty butterflies on it. What is that supposed to mean? He carefully walks around the hospital, who puts a hospital inn the middle of the woods? Jeff gets to the third side, seeing a window with sticker butterflies on it. T​he window with the pretty butterflies on it. He grins, setting the bag near Smile dog who's hiding in the bushes. Jeff climbs up a tree, looking into the window he see's Emma's mother step into the bathroom. Quickly he makes his way into the hospital room, quietly locking the door from the outside and setting the back of a chair underneath the handle so it won't open.

        Jeff skims over the sleeping girls body, she was obviously knocked out with a drug. Jeff wipes some drool from her cheek. Static starts up again 'she knows too much' it whispers. 'take her home' the voice hisses. Jeff glances out the window, seeing the tall figure hidden in the trees. Jeff hooks his arms underneath her armpits and her knees and carefully lifts her from the bed. Suddenly, Smile is in the room. The dog lets out a barely audible growl and puffs out its chest, making it bigger. Jeff grins, laying Emma's body on the hound and tying her to it with the sheets. Her mother starts to bang on the door. "Shit" Jeff curses and slaps the back of Smiles thigh. "Go!" He whispers. Smile leaps out the window with Jeff trailing soon after.

        Jeff lunges for the woods, where Smile is waiting patiently. Jeff carefully unties Emma and tosses her over his shoulder, frowning at how light she feels. He carefully but quickly makes his way through the forest, to the Slender Mansion. He see's shadows moving around inside. The door opens revealing the tall figure from the woods. Static starts up again 'Jeff' it whispers. Jeff nods, frowning and steps inside. "What do I do with her?" He asks in a gruff voice.

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