Chapter 10

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---Narrator Emma---

        Emma stares at Jeff, who is currently standing near the door holding clothes. "I'm not getting out of this bed." she declares pulling the blankets up to cover her even more. "Come on, seriously?" Jeff growls, his eyes narrowing. Emma nods "Yes, I am not leaving this bed." Jeff growls and throws the clothes at her. Emma manages to catch most of them, but one of the socks falls off of the bed. She sits there, staring at them. "Seriously?" Jeff growls staring at her. "Guess you don't get socks then," he grumbles slamming the door behind him as he walks out. Emma frowns and pulls on the clothes he gave her, which consists of a too big white hoodie and a red skirt.. There's a knock on the door "You decent?" a deep voice asks. "Yes" Emma says, her voice breaking a little. Jeff looks in, seeing Emma sitting on the bed.

        He frowns. "Are" he asks awkwardly scratching at his scars. "You shouldn't scratch at them, you'll get an infection" Emma says matter of factly. Jeff frowns at her. 'You don't think I know that?" he hisses at her. Emma looks away she mutters a small apology, causing Jeff to sigh and rub his face. "Just...hush okay?" he says. "Are you hungry?" he asks again. Emma shrugs and bites her lip, trying not to let her stomach growl by swallowing all of the spit in her mouth, then swallowing more. But her stomach growls anyways. Jeff walks over, swinging her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. She screams, punching his back and kicking her legs. 

        Jeff hisses slightly when she hits him in between the shoulder blades. Emma stops, peeking down his shirt to see a giant purple and blue bruise. "Wow...uh..." she whispers. "What? Finally see what you did? I think I deserve an apology" Jeff snaps at her. "Sorry" she whispers. Jeff sighs "I'm sorry too...for like. Stealing you, I couldn't have you telling people that I'm back" he grumbles. "Back?" Emma asks, completely confused. "Yeah" he growls setting her on the floor gently in front of a large table. The tall man Slenderman -Jeff called him- is sitting at the head of the table, a little girl in a pink dress sitting next to him. Jeff pulls out a seat for himself and sits down. "Oh, Jeffy aren't you gonna pull out a chair for your little girlfriend?" someone snickers. 

        "That is not my girlfriend Jane" he hisses at a dark haired, pale skinned woman. She sneers and starts eating. Emma stands near Jeff, not sure if she should take the empty seat of not. Jeff looks over at her his mouth full of food. He makes a small gesture telling her to sit down. She climbs into the tall chair awkwardly and carefully fills her plate. Emma feels the eyes on her. They make her want to cry. Emma keeps her gaze on her food. "So Emma, is it? How old are you?" Emma looks up, seeing a man with dark black hair and a surgical mask on. "Y-yes" she whispers.

        "Hm...I'm Dr. Smiley" he says. She nods. "How old are you?" a boy in a link outfit asks. "T-thirteen" she whispers. "What?" someone asks from the other side of the table. The table easily fits over one hundred people. "I-I'm thirteen" she says, a little louder this time. A man, who looks like Slenderman but with a face, nods. "Leave her alone" Jeff grumbles. "What was that?" Slenderman asks.

"You heard me" 

"Jeffrey I heard you just fine, I don't think anyone else did" 

"I said leave her alone..." Jeff hisses stabbing his food with a butter knife. Emma stares at him, confused. 'He has problems' Emma thinks quietly. "No, he doesn't have problems. He just has problems. Never mind" Slenderman says from the other side of the table. Jeff looks at her. "I don't have problems" he snaps. "Don't listen to him, he still sleeps with his teddy bear" The pale girl, Jane says. Emma looks at him with an astonished face. "What? She keeps the bad dreams away." he growls shoving more food into his face. Emma eats, she eats till she's full. She doesn't think about her mother, she doesn't think about the outside world. She thinks about Jeff, she tries to imagine him with enough love to even hold a teddy bear. She can't do it.

        After Dinner, everyone goes their separate ways. Emma follows Jeff around like a lost puppy. That's what goes on for the remainder of the night. Except when they go to bed. Emma sleeps quietly in Jeff's bed, while he passes out in his beanbag chair with pajama pants on and his bear, who's name is Becca. 

DisturbedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora