Chapter 3

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---Narrator Jeff---

                                Jeff sits in the tree, watching the young girl sleep. His breathing silent, he steps closer to the window, being careful not to slip off the branch. The permanent smile on his face stays. Her silently opens the window and steps in. He looks over the sleeping body. 'She looks so peaceful' he thinks rubbing the knife blade from inside his pocket. CRASH! Jeff quickly looks over to see a very large orange cat. The girl stirrs, starting to sit up. Jeff lunges under her bed, hiding himself. He watches the thirteen year olds feet touch the ground. He see's her pick up that annoying cat of hers. 

                                "Nala! You broke everything!" She cries throwing her hands in the air. Jeff looks towards the heap of broken glass figurines. The cat meows loudly and jumps from the bed. Jeff frowns slightly, scooting farther back under the bed. He hears footsteps. The door opens revealing hte girls mother. "Emma go back to sleep, we'll clean it up later" she mumbles turning Emma's light off. Jeff hears Emma climb back into the bed. Just as he's about to crawl out, the bedside lamp gets turned on. Jeff frowns again, seeing the little girls foot dangling off the edge. He reaches out to grab them. This isn't his usual killing style, but it will have to do.

---Narrator Emma---

                                Emma lays with the light on and one leg off the bed. Next thing she knows, her foot is grabbed and she's being dragged under her bed. Before she can scream a cold hand is over her mouth and a knife blade is pressed to her throat. Her eyes widen at the sight in front of her. 

Pale white skin

Long stringy black singed hair

Bloody smile carved into his cheeks

Fear strikes through her, tears roll down her cheeks. She remembers what she read from Sky's fanfiction. Jeffrey. Jeffrey Woods.




                                Her breathing gets quicker. She does something drastic. With a quick swing of her leg and a chomp of her teeth, she's free. Quickly she scrambles out from underneath the bed, grabbing her baseball bat (in which she keeps at her bedside) on the way. Turning she sees the man, crawling out from under her bed. His black eyes bore into her brown ones. She stares at him, he does the same. She can see the smirk in his eyes. His smile, showing rows on slightly yellowing teeth. She watches him stalk forwards. Slowly, like a lion and its prey. In this case, he's the lion, and she's the prey. His bigger body blocks the door.

                                Emma is tall for her age, often being mistaken for an older grade. Even though she is tall, the man still has a good seven inches on her, putting him at about 6'3. He has more muscle weight too, about sixty pounds more than her one hundred ten pounds. She takes a deep breath and clutches the bat tighter, moving to the left. He moves too, grinning. He's a psychopath, he needs help. A small part of her wants to beat the shit out of him with the bat, but a tiny little eenie weenie part of her wants him to be put somewhere, somewhere were he can get help. 

The bigger one wins...

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