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Dear Riles,
I won't lose you again. I'm not gonna let you go Riley Matthews. I can only think of one thing that I could say to make you change mind. I'm so scared and nervous, my hands are shaking as I'm writing. I can't tell you through a letter. This needs to be said in person, face to face. If our friendship ever meant anything to you, if I ever meant anything to you, come to Central Park at 7pm. I'll be waiting by the swings. If you don't come, I'll take that as a goodbye and I won't bother you anymore.

Peaches (Maya Hart)

P.S. This may be the last time I ever write to you, and that makes me really sad. I just want you to know, that I have loved writing these Letters To You.


Just kidding ;)
There's more to this story, y'all didn't think I was about to leave you on a cliffhanger like that, did you?!

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