Release The Demon!

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   It was a dark and rainy day, one of gloom and doom (*cough*referencetoBuddies*cough*). The Pines family has beaten me one too many times, but today... Oh, they don't even know what kind of cute wittle storm I have coming for them! I'll get my hands on that deed to the Mystery Shack one way or another!

I was stalking the window in the safe room of the Mystery Shack where Stanford Pines had the deed. I needed the combination one way or another. That's when I heard Mr. Pines say, "The only way he'll find the key to the safe is in my brain! Nobody can get in there."

Oh, no? How wrong was he? With my journal I can do anything, and I'm going to. "You're brain isn't as safe as you think Stanford Pines!" I said to myself and began to flip through the pages in the journal. "I have a wittle secret!" I glanced down with a menacing expression at the page of the book with a triangle drawn inside of a circle with a bunch of symbols; this was my ticket to get inside Stan's brain. I was going to summon a demon!

I eventually made it to my secret place. Some place hidden by the forest. This was where I was going to do the ritual to summon the demon. I drew the circle on the ground the exact same way it was in the journal and then I lit some candles around it. In the center I had an image of Stanford Pines with his eyes crossed out in red marker, but we can pretend it was blood to make it cooler. I grabbed the journal to make sure I was doing everything correctly, but I'm perfect so I knew it already was. (This hurts to type...)

"You think it's safe in your mind, Stanford?" I asked, grinning into the journal. "We'll see what my new minion has to say about that!" I could feel my heart beat faster with excitement and the lust for a vengeance that was about to unfold as I began to chant:

Triangulum, entangulum. Meteforis dominus ventium. Meteforis venetisarium!

egassem sdrawkcab!

egassem sdrawkcab!

egassem sdrawkcab!

egassem sdrawkcab!

egassem sdrawkcab!

Once I finished chanting I let out an evil cackle.

third person P.O.V.~

Unbeknownst to him were two pairs of curious and new eyes observing his every move. One very terrified, while the other was much more interested in what was transgressing. The frightened one tried to pull the other away as a flaming triangle appeared into existence and seemed to grow an eye.

"Misae, lets go before something bad happens." She whispered to her stubborn sister. "Not yet Selena, I wanna see what happens." The other shook their head knowing once Misae made up her mind, it was next to impossible to change it. She sneaked back catching two others from the corner of her eye.

They must have heard and came to see what the commotion was. In retrospect, gideon should have done this much farther away. He wasn't exactly out of earshot.

Misae's P.O.V.~

The triangle began to speak after popping appendages. "Oh, Oh Gravity Falls it is good to be back," He floated down to Gideon, "Names Bill Cipher and I take it your some kind of living ventriloquist dummy? HaHa, I'm just kidding I know who you are Gideon." He was a fast talker, but that last bit made Gideon confused.

"What- What are you? How do you know my name!?" Gideon yelled. "Oh, I know lots of things. LOTS OF THINGS." Pictures flashed on his body like scrolling through a phone gallery. "Hey look what I can do!" He exclaimed motioning his hand to a nearby deer, pulling it back all of the deers teeth flew out. "Deer teeth, for you kid!" He laughed as gideon yelled in horror. "You're insane!" Gideon dropped the teeth backing away.

"Sure I am, what's your point?" The one called Bill asked waving his finger returning the deers teeth. "Listen to me demon! I have a job for you. I need you to enter the mind of Stanford Pines and steal the code to his safe."

Stanford Pines, wasn't that who the other twins were talking about? Their...grunkle? What's so important about that safe that gideon felt it necessary to summon a being of pure evil? Very interesting.

third person P.O.V.~

Mabel and Soos gasped. This was beyond bad.

"Haha, wait-" Bill paused, "Stanford Pines?" He mumbled to himself as he turned around clasping his hands behind his back. "You know what kid, you've convinced me. I'm sold! I'll help you with this and in return you can help me with something I'm working on. We'll work out the details later. Deal?" he asked with a flaming blue hand outstretched to shake Gideons.

"Deal." He took the demon's hand without thinking of the consequences.

"Welp, time to invade stan's mind. This should be fun. Remember: Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!" Bill disappeared in a flash of light.

"It worked!" Gideon made an evil laugh at the deed he had just committed. Indeed it had, but we're getting ahead of ourselves here.


"Uuugh, are we there yet?" Misae Saros was a restless child. Short blonde hair and purple eyes were a wild enough combination. (before any of you say its not possible to have purple eyes, let me educate you on a phenomenon called "Alexandria's Genesis", read em and weep)

"We should be there soon." Selina Saros, her twin with long dark brown hair and purple eyes, said to sooth her sister. The two looked exactly the same except for their hair color because they've dyed it. "Aren't you nervous though?" She asked, "I mean, we've never been there before and we don't know anyone. What if they all hate us?"

Misae felt like she was being tortured. Being on a crowded bus for hours was not he ideal environment. There was a man in a business suit humming particularly loud, and Misae didn't know how long she could last before she let go and strangle him. "I will fight them all if it comes to that, especially if I have to sit her for one. More. MINUTE!" Suddenly the buss dinged.

"Passengers to Gravity Falls, this is your stop."

The man was lucky to live another day. Misae glared at him the whole time she was walking out. "Aunty Rikka!" They both yelled running with suitcases in hand up to an older woman donnishing long black hair and green eyes.

Selina felt happy to finally see her aunt again after all this time, and it felt good to know that she wouldn't have to try to stop Misae from murdering someone.

"Hey girls!" Rikka smiled as she wrapped them both in a hug. "It's great to see you! I'm so excited for this! Do you want to go explore the town or go home and get settled or..." She was trying to think of something else, "Oh I know!" She gasped, "We could go to the Mystery Shack! It's tourest nation at that place!"

Selena was more than happy to go to an attraction, but Misae just wanted to explore. "I know that face Misae, don't you dare try scampering off." Misae sighed, her aunt knew her too well. "I promise you can go off on whatever adventure your little heart desires after I introduce you to the local Pines twins!" Misae held back the urge to roll back her eyes.

"There are other twins here?" Selena asked, she always enjoyed meeting other twins. Misae on the other hand only saw other twins as...competition. "Fite me." She whispered under her breath. "What was that?" Rikka asked walking in the direction of the shack. "I said FITE ME!" Misae yelled making Rikka laugh.

"Wait, aunty Rikka, what about out suitcases?" Selena asked lugging hers beside her. "Woops! Guess it slipped my mind! Oh well, we're only going to be there a few minutes anyway. Just a quick in and out. Just popping in for a visit. Just a good old roundabout. A knock around the block. A-," the Saros twins interrupted their hyper aunts thoughts, "Aunt Rikka!" She coughed, "Oh right, well its just up here. There they are now! Dipper! Mabel! I have some people I want you to meet!"

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