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It was much more peaceful now.

No more weirdmageddon. No more demon overlord. Just the two sets of Pines twins, the Saros twins and their aunt, and also one of the Saros twins boyfriends who had tormented her sister but was now part of the family.

Everyone was happy, but that's a lie.

Misae had a lot of explaining to do.

"Young lady, you are grounded until you die. Then I'm gonna resurrect you as a zombie, and you'll still be grounded. That's how grounded you are!" Rikka wailed like a mother who had just found out her daughter let her demon boyfriend possess her sister and almost ended the world.

Kids these days, the nerve.

"But aunt Rikka, if I die then I'll be buried. I'll be six feet in the ground, how much more grounded can I get?" Misae quipped back.

"Can we be serious for a moment?" Ford asked with arms crossed.

Rikka and Misae chuckled. It was fun making light of serious situations, even when it wasn't really the time for it.

"Now would you please explain to me why you...to put it lightly 'made contact' with Bill?" Bill was told to stay outside, and he obliged like a good boy.

"Well sir, if it isn't too much to ask I'd like my sister to wait in another room. It's just...I wanna say some things and I really don't want to make her any more upset than I already have." Misae tried to reason.

Ford would have none of it. "No, you owe her more than anyone else here an explanation."

Misae got quiet. She didn't feel like speaking, so she walled herself off. She couldn't stand the look her sister was giving her. It made her feel so bad.


Bill could feel this, but he didn't know why. He touched his stomach at the foreign sinking feeling.

"Odd, isn't it?" Bill almost jumped. A man with blue hair stood beside him with an umbrella. "Dot Matrix, a pleasure."

Bill narrowed his eyes, "Wish I could say the same, 'Tad''." A vein popped on Tad's forehead. He didn't think Bill would know of him so soon.

"What are you still doing here, I thought I sent all the demons back through the rift before I closed it." Tad sighed at Bills blatant disregard for any sort of repercussions.

"About that..."


"You have to talk sometime, you're not leaving until you do," Ford said leaning against the wall.

This was an uncomfortable situation for everyone, especially Misae. Rikka saw this, she knew how recluse Misae could get with being blamed for things she didn't do. The only difference is, she did do something wrong this time.

Rikka damned their parents, something she would never do out loud. But this was just ridiculous.

"It's the end of summer." Dipper suddenly said. Mabel looked at him, then at Selina who was also looking at him. "We have to leave today, but..." He squeezed Selina's hand, not wanting to leave her alone, especially if Bill was going to be around for longer than anyone would want.

A beeping sound appeared, coming from Ford. He pulled out a device looking it over.

"I don't think you'll have to worry about that any time soon." Everyone gave him the same questioning look, except Misae.

"Excuse me, I have to go do something. Don't move any of you." He left, making the situation so much more awkward.

"What do you think he means?" Mabel asked the room.

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