Don't Go

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It must have been more than a few minutes since Misae was unceremoniously dragged from her room into the night sky. She wasn't afraid of heights, She just wasn't expecting this. Bill had somehow managed to start carrying her bridal style through the air, and smiled at how she clung to him.

Misae found the courage to look up, and pondered something that just now occurred to her. She pushed the thought down, She couldn't just think like that. She looked away frustrated as Bill glanced down at her. He noticed this and suddenly dropped her.


Selena on the other hand was struggling to collect herself. Her nightmares still seemed to be haunting her. Now it was worse because she knew she was a burrden. Maybe the nightmare had some truth. What if her family never did love her?

"Would you like to stay in our room tonight?" Dipper asked. "You'd have to stay on Mabel's side but..."

"You wouldn't mind?" Selina responded, not making eye contact with anyone.

"Eek!" Mabel squealed, "Slumber party! I'll go call my friends and have them stay too!" Just like that, the girl was running out of the room.

"Actually, I'd like to ask you a few questions..." Ford said.

Selena looked up at him, "A-alright." She hesitantly replied.

"Dipper, go see if Stan needs you or something." Ford said as Dipper lowered his head and walked out of the room slowly after putting his hat back on.


Misae didn't screamed in her decent, truthfully she hasn't screamed since she was five years old. In reality she kept her composer through pure anger alone. She stopped suddenly as she landed in Bills arms.

He laughed spinning through the air with her in his arms.

"I'm really feeling it!" He shouted happily before setting her down. "Feel what, you..." she wanted to call him a crazy arsehole, but something in her told her not to.

"Everything! I can feel it all! I love it! I love...I love..." he was breathing like he was out of breath from excitement. "Come on, I wanna show you something!" He pulled Misae's hand, almost intertwining his fingers with her own. Misae thought nothing of it, just thinking what Bill could possibly have planned.

She didn't know where they were, but it was dark and cold. They came up to a steep cliff where Bill made them sit together.

"Bill, what are we doing here?" Bill looked up, "That." Misae looked up to see fiery steaks across the sky. A meteor shower erupted above them like a shower of fire, blazing only a moment for each one.

Bill had sneaked his fingers between Misae's, but he wasn't looking at the meteor shower, he was looking at Misae and the wonder in her eyes. He couldn't help but smile, the lights danced in her eyes unlike candlelight and highlighted them in a way that made them look otherworldly.

It reminded Bill of home. It reminded him of several reasons why he loved her. He just needed to find a way to tell her.

The lights died out, the last few meteors making their last appearance aware before all was dark again. Misae flexed her hand finding that it was attached to something. She looked down, a stranged entangling of limbs was all she saw.

She broke the hand embrace making Bill a little sad, but he was still glad it happened.

"That was nice and all Bill, but I told you I wanted to do something fun." She looked down noticing the town of Gravity Falls below through the darkness. The Gideon billboard gave it away, so she knew exactly where they were. She started heading back before Bill stopped her.

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