The Unseen

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Selena's P.O.V~

Last night was unreasonably boring. Apparently, I can't sleep in this spirit form. I miss my body more and more with each passing second. I wish Mabel or Dipper could hear me so they could help, but I guess I'll just remain unseen. I decided not to check up on Misae last night in case Dipper decided to look through the journal. Hopefully Bill doesn't hurt her though.

I shook my head a bit to push the thought back, what mattered now was watching Dipper and that journal.

"Good morning Dipper!" I heard the hyperactive voice of Mabel yell from across the room. Oh, they're awake now. The girl seemed to have a lot of energy while she ran down the stairs, but I just stayed up with Dipper. Not that he knew I was there. It didn't take long for Dipper to look at the board beside his bed with a bunch of random notes that I couldn't even try to understand.

"Alright author, who are you?" Dipper questioned while he tapped a pen against his chin. Oh nice! A thinking pen! I used to have a thinking pencil, but I don't know what happened to it, not that I used it much. I mostly only used it when I couldn't think of something to draw. "Who are-" He tried to repeat before his sister burst through the door. "Dipper! Look what I got!" She pounced on his bed and he sat beside her. She seemed to be holding some sort of green bottle with a letter. "It's from Mermando! Half fish half naked guy!"

"Oh yeah... Not a big fan." Dipper said, "Don't get your hopes up Mabel."

I sighed as I looked at the journal sitting beside Dipper. "I wonder if I can grab it..." I said and moved toward the book. To my dismay, my hand just went through it. If only Mabel would leave Dipper to his studies so I could see what's inside that book of his. Next thing I know, Mabel was upset and Dipper was trying to comfort her. My mind was too focused on the journal to care too much though, until Dipper grabbed and moved the journal. My hopes rose for a split second before he put it down and motioned toward a broken computer. Ugh.

All of a sudden, Dipper's sitting on his bed again and shouting, "Old Man McGucket wrote the journal?" The nice thing about everyone not being able to see me is that I only had one person to fear now, and that was Bill.

Dipper and Mabel exchanged glances before running out the door and getting Wendy to drive them around. Oh great, now I have to keep up pace with a car. Time to see how fast this form can go. I wish we never came to this town...

As I exited the shack I noticed a small little bird that seemed to be looking at me, he had white feathers with yellow tips. I shrugged it off, assuming that animals wouldn't be able to see me if no person could, so I just kept chasing after the car.


"This is gonna be great." Misae and Bill decided to pass the time by pranking their favorite plaything, Gideon. "Hurry up, we don't have much time." Bill said handing Misae a spray can with a label glued onto it. She snuck in the window and threw the real one under his bed before replacing it with the fake.

She promptly left out the same way and hid with Bill until the magic happened.

"Doot doot doo~" Gideon was humming a tune as he got out of his bathroom. "Now to preserve this beautiful plumage, he grabbed the spray can and divvied it up evenly over the mound he called hair.

Sure he was still mad about the whole book missing situation, but 'SLAYGHTERMELON42' promised him she'd help him find it.

He left the house when it happened. The mound began to sag, and turned into nothing more than straggly strands of greasy hair.

"NOOOOOOOOO! MY BEAUTIFUL PLUME!" Bill and Misae had to hold in their laughter with Gideon so close.


Selena's P.O.V.~

I thought I heard Gideon yell in the distance, but decided it was probably just my mind playing tricks on me. By this time, Wendy, Soos, Mabel and Dipper had all made it to that old man's house they were talking about. He seemed to live in some sort of junkyard. There appeared to be broken down cars everywhere. Maybe he was a mechanic? I shrugged following the crew. If this man wrote the journal, then maybe he knows how to help me. My plan was going perfectly, so long as Bill wasn't doing anything bad with my body, like pranking people or hurting Misae.

Deep breath Selina, you'll have your body back in no time! Just watch! I had to feed myself some hope, even just a little. If I gave up, it might put Misae in danger, and I can't let that happen.

Actually, I think this guy is crazy. He just started screaming at his reflection to "stop looking at him while he bathes." Ugh, this is a waste of time.

"Drop the act!" Dipper said and held the journal out in front of him. "I know you're the author!" Yes! Now open it and let me read it Dipper! Then it happened! He began flipping the pages, trying to jog McGucket's memories. I took no time to get in front of him and scan through what I could. Nothing about souls getting their bodies back though. I needed to read more. I needed to get my hands on that thing. I hate this! I'm even more useless now then I was back when I was in own body. Maybe they're better off with Bill... But he can hurt them! What am I thinking?!


Gideon with a lot of effort managed to get his hair back to the way it used to be, a little bit at least. Misae and Bill had been following him for hours laughing at the shenanigans they've pulled on him.

But he got boring after a while when he holed himself inside his room whispering to himself. So they decided to take a nature walk.

Oh believe me, that's not all they were doing. That's never all they do.

Selina's person P.O.V.~

"Holy wubber tuckets!" McGucket barked, "I can't see a darned tootin' thing past your head young lass!" Wait, was he talking to me? (Sorry about his commentary, it seemed like something he'd say though.) "Shoo shoo!" He squawked and waved his hand toward me. Natural reflexes kicked in and I dodged out of the way, even though I knew he couldn't hurt me.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked, feeling shocked. "Oh my gosh! This is great! Quick, tell them that Selena isn't Selena any more! Tell them I'm right here!" I exclaimed.

He tilted his head in somewhat of a confusion. "Selena isn't Selena? Do you guys see her to?" I looked back at Dipper and the others, hoping that they'd see me too, but they didn't.

"McGucket, stop playing around!" Dipper said, "This is serious!"

"Yeah man, he's been searching for you literally all summer!" Wendy chimed in.

I sighed and looked down. "Oh well!" McGucket said, though it felt like he was still looking at me. "Could have sworn I saw someone else!" It didn't take long for them to change the topic back to what they were talking about before. Dipper placed the journal on the counter and kept flipping through the pages. I stood behind the old man this time so he could see passed me. He was denying everything in the journal until it flipped to this page. It had the emblem of an eye that had been crossed out in red. For some reason this caused McGucket to scream. He began to panic so badly he fell over while spouting about "The Blind Eye."

This caused Dipper to close the journal quickly and grab it again.

Eventually we got the information we needed to out of him, so they all went to the museum where McGuket said they should go, they took him with them.

I on the other hand, decided that I wasn't going to get anything helpful out of that journal though, so I went over to find Misae. I checked out Rikka's house first. I noticed that strange bird seemed to be following me there though. I swear if Bill possessed a bird and didn't give me back my body, I'm going to kill him. Ignoring the bird, Misae didn't seem to be at the house, which had a little worried even though I knew she liked to leave, but Bill wasn't there either. I began to search around town for her.

Misaes P.O.V.~

Bill said something about experiences making him stronger, so he decided he would try bungee jumping of all things. We had to go all the way to the top of the cliff where an old set was abandoned. He tied the end to his leg and turned his back to the edge. I didn't think it was a good idea, that band looked weathered.

"Wish me luck!" He said falling backwards.

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