Puppet Show

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  After dinner the two girls went to bed and awaited the next morning. Once morning arrived, Selina woke up. She felt in a pretty good mood considering Misae was okay and the Pines twins were now her friends. She stretched a little and then turned to make sure Misae was still there. She smiled softly to herself before thinking, 'Maybe we could go hang out with the other twins today and have a good day!'

Misae began to stir, remembering her new possession smiling to herself. She just needed to sit back and relax until Bill got back to her. She wondered how 'Bipper' was doing.

Mabels P.O.V.~

I woke up like I normally do. My first thought, fun! My second thought, glitter! My third thought, boys! I jumped out of bed happy and cheerful. "Good morning Dipper!" I said excitedly before running downstairs and going to the shack part of our house. "Morning Wendy! Morning Soos!" I smiled at the two other employees.

"Sup!" Wendy replied with a smile.

"What's up dude?" Soos said as he waved a bit. It was at that moment, as I looked passed Soos and put the door to the shack that I noticed the most glorious creature I have ever layed my eyes on. A pale man, dressed in a black turtleneck shirt (if I remember correctly) with luscious blonde locks tied back in a ponytail. He had sock puppets and was singing a song for the children outside.

I must have him.

Ghost Dippers P.O.V.~

I had to get my body back somehow. While Bill was teasing me he said something about nobody being able to hear me without an empty body to talk through. I just didn't know what I could talk through. I watched as Mabel started fervently working on puppets of all things. Probably to woe yet another 'true love'. Misae and Selina would stop by sometimes, regrettably Bill was more popular with everyone than I was.

Mabel and Bill were heading to the theater to have her sock puppet show when it hit me. I could use a puppet! While Mabel was in the back I slipped inside the Dipper puppet and talked to her.

"Mabel!" She screamed obviously surprised.

Third Person POV~

"Did that puppet just talk?!" Mabel shrieked and jumped back a bit as she looked at the floating puppet. Oddly enough, the sock puppet talking was the one she had created to resemble Dipper. It even sounded like dipper. "Dipper?" Indeed it was Dipper. "Yes, now listen. Bill took over my body. You have to get the book before he destroys it!" Dipper said in distress.

"The journal!" Mabel gasped. "Right! But what about the show? If we ruin it the guy might not like me anymore." Dipper could not believe his sister right now. "What's more important to you? Some guy who might not even like you or me? Do you want me to stay a puppet forever?!"

"No! No, you're right!" She sighed, "Let's go get that journal back!" She sounded motivated as she spoke and then ran toward where the journal would be in the puppet show. She really wanted that guy to like her, but she knew her brother was way more important to her. She went up and jumped in the wooden cake where the journal was. She felt the prop give way as she began to plummet, she stopped suddenly when someone caught the rope.

"Alright kid, hand over the journal or risk the play." Bipper held out his hand to receive the journal. Mabel gasped, "Bill Dipper, Bipper."

Bill laughs "Who would sacrifice everything they'd worked for just for their dumb sibling?" Mabel was triggered by his words and yanks the book back, dragging Bill into the cake and onto the stage. They fight over the book back and forth, "Get out of my brothers body you stupid demon!" They seperate.

"You should just give up, I'm a being of pure energy with no weakness." He gloats.

"Oh yeah?" Mabel asks with a cocky smirk plastered on her face. "You may not have any weaknesses, but you're in my brothers body now, and I know all his weaknesses!" She said before she quickly walked over to him and began to tickle his sides. She laughed like a psychopath the entire time she tickled him. "Now get out of his body or else!"

Bill uncontrollably giggled, "Ah, body spasms! What is this?" He got up running in a circle after Mabel and the book. "Little fact about the human body, i've noticed how you didn't know how to fall asleep. At first I thought it was just dipper having a rough few nights, but now its worked in my favor. I've had a full night's rest and I'm on 4 mega shots of Mabel juice!" She said running laps around him.

Bipper collapsed expelling Bill as Dipper reclaimed his body. "Woo! I'm back in my own body! And its just as underwhelming as I remember." Dipper's body ached, but then they both heard a voice. The dipper puppet dragged itself into view. "You haven't seen the last of me! I've got big plans!" Before he could say anything else, Mabel flipped a switch and practically blew the stage up.

Not that it could hurt bill, he simply floated up and over to Misae who was in the crowd with her sister. He had made it so no one else but her could see him at that moment. "Nice one." She said, making it seem like she was talking about the play. "It was one of my best performance yet! I think i'm ready to WIDEN MY HORIZONS." He said eying Selina up and down.

Everyone started booing.

Selina looked around the crowd, "It's not nice of them to boo. That was a good play." She said quietly to Misae. "I'm gonna go say hi to Mabel and Dipper!" She smiled at her slightly older sister before running over to Mabel.

Unfortunately, Mabel's heart had been broken by the man of her dreams. He walked away after seeing how atrocious her performance was and he had told her that she disgraced the world of sock puppets. She watched him walk away sadly as Candy and Grenda walked over to her.

"Hey Mabel!" Selena said, she hadn't noticed the other two girls yet. Mabel turned her head to face Selina, "Oh hey..." She spoke softly.

"I liked the performance..." Selina said, lowering her voice when she noticed Candy and Grenda.

"Who's that?" Grenda asked in her manly voice.

"Did you get a new friend?" Candy questioned.

Mabel decided it wasn't worth being sad over the guy and smiled, "Oh yeah! This is my friend Selena! She has a twin sister!" She then introduced the other two girls. Candy and Grenda both walked away after a few minutes.

Selina smiled at Mabel before looking over at Dipper. She could tell he looked exhausted. He cracked his back and seemed on the verge of collapsing.

Misaes P.O.V.~

I had left with everyone else in the commotion and waited outside for Selina. "So, I guess its almost time eh? Just be gentle with her." Bill had already formulated a plan while in Dipper's body. Well, it was originally my plan but he seemed to have read my mind. All we had to do now was wait for the perfect opportunity to set it in motion.

"I can't wait! I haven't had my body in ages!" Bill glowed with excitement. He could act like such a child sometimes, but also someone really formal at the same time. An odd combination. Bill and I were practically two peas in a pod. A really deformed and possibly mutated pod.

"And you dont have to worry about your sister, I'm actually going to have to take care of the body if I'm going to gain anything from it. Just do me a favor and dont mention the whole 'she's going to get her body back in the end' thing. Dipper was funny enough with how he freaked out, I can't wait to see how she reacts." It was a little unnerving to have my sister lose her mind over the whole body snatcher thing, but all is fair in love and war.

Third person P.O.V.~

"So you know what to do right? And I know what I need to do. Your gonna be the manipulation to my mock obliviosness." They exchanged a glance, telling Misae that they were about to be witnessed. But Bill could still talk. "Thats right kid, if we both play our cards right we'll both get what we want."

Just then Serena came out along with the other twins and their grunkle Stan. Serina smiled when she saw Misae. "Hey Misae!" She waved.

"Did you see the play?!" Mabel asked, running up to Misae and giggling a bit. "You did a good job with that one, I liked the ending the best. Mainly for the destruction aspect." Mabel squealed at the compliment.

"Hey, you want get some sisterly bonding time?" Selena asked her sister. Misae glanced at Bill out of the corner of her eye.

"Alright sis, let's go..."

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