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Misae punched a tree, what a jerk.

Misae was mad and very confused. Did Bill only do all this for that?

No that wouldn't make any sense, what the hell was he thinking?

Misae decided to just go home and lay down. Upon her arrival however was a very disappointed looking aunt Rikka.

"And where were you, young lady?" Rikka has never been like this, so it was odd for Misae to see. "I was...taking a walk? What else would I be doing?"

Rikka narrowed her eyes. "Why is your hair in that condition? It looks like you've been rolling around...with some...BOY!" Misae jumped when she saw Rikka coming at her. Instead of running away like a normal person, she was frozen with fear.

Only to be again surprised by the harsh embrace of her aunt.

"My baby's finally found someone special! They grow up so fast!"

Misae didn't like how confused she was and was stunned into silence. She remembered running her fingers through her hair in an upset manner, thats probably what set that train rolling. Rikka pulled her inside knowing her parents would have never told her about:

The birds and the bees.

~(after "The talk")

"So, who is he? Is he your age? You better wait until your at least twenty before you even think about it! Is he cute? Does he have an accent? I wanna meet his parents! HOW! DID! YOU! MEET!?"

The barrage of questions had Misae reeling back into the couch. She knew how the horizontal tango worked now, but "Why would anybody want that?"

Rikka was only slightly confused. She knew how close the Saros sisters were growing up, and how much Misae hated everyone and everything, and also the fact that in each others presence there was little time for...extracurricular activities.

Like holding hands...with boys.

Rikka never fully understood why Misae hated most things, but thats something thats always held her back in most cases.

"It's just one of the many ways people show that they love each other. Don't you ever want to fall in love?" Rikka wasn't sure how much Misae actually knew about relationships, but she intended to find out.

"What? Love? In a relationship? Are you joking? How does that even work?" Rikka almost laughed, Misae was rarely flustered but it was cute when it happened.

"Honey, thats what we call 'relationship goals'. You act like its purely for some sort of ulterior gain. Wait...you don't do you?"

Misae looked down, she couldn't say no.


Selena didn't know what had came over her. She was always scared of boys and unable to speak to them, but being around Dipper was different for her. She felt like she could tell him everything. Share the world with him. Aside from his terrible stench, he was the perfect person.

"Why don't we play a game and get your mind off of things?" Dipper offered with mild concern for the girl. "We have a Playstation and a few games."

"Um..." Selina replied slowly, "Sure." She usually just played on a ds console and other stuff like that, so she wasn't sure about a Play Station, let alone playing with some guy.

"Great." He smiled. "We only have two controllers though." He said, standing up and grabbing a controller for her.

She smiled and grabbed the controller, but when she looked at it, her gaze met with the triangle. Granted, it was green, but a triangle is a triangle. "Dipper!" She squealed, throwing the controller on the bed and jumping behind the boy.

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