Tick Tock

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Third person P.O.V. ~

Ford narrowed his eyes at the boy in front of him. Bill was bad enough as a triangle, but now that he had a bigger body he could release immeasurable power all at once. There was a way to reverse it however, but that had only a small chance of working a second time. The last time something like this happened, Bill became unstable due to a lack of something. It was something that every human needed, and without that he couldn't hold the human form. Ford had helped him reverse it, but that came at a great cost.

"It's been nice seeing you again sixer, but I've got some business to attend to. See you later! Just remember, I'll be keeping an eye on you, or maybe even two!"

Bill blinked out of the room leaving the group of scared teens and two old men alone. (THAT CAME OUT SO WRONG, IM SO SORRY)

Ford then turned around holstering his gun rushing to Selena's side. He was stopped however by her sister who pulled her closer and stared at him with the eyes of a wild animal. She looked down at her sister and the condition she was in before letting her gently to the ground with now sad eyes.

Ford checked her pulse, noting the slow but rhythmic beating that remained. She thankfully wouldn't need too much stabilizing, but there was one question he had floating through all their minds.

"What were you two even doing here?" Ford was skeptical of these newcomers. Of all the people here, his brother was the only one he knew.

Misae opened her mouth to say something, then closed it as a tear fell down her cheek. It took a few more minutes for her to finally say something, "She just said that Dipper wanted to show us something, the next thing I know is the gravity's changing and she's not even phased by it. I didn't even know this place existed, what was that thing?!" She wiped her eyes making them redder. Mabel knelt down beside her placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Dipper and I didn't know about this place either." She shot a glance at Stan. "You should keep her here so I can monitor her recovery. You can tell your parents she's sleeping over at a friends house." Misae scoffed at Ford's mention of 'parents', "Yeah I'll tell my dead parents she won't be home for a while, thats a great idea." Misae's eyes widened, "I'm sorry, I'm just a little emotional right now."

Ford nodded, "I understand, but until she's back to full health she won't be going anywhere. In fact, you should probably stay here too. With Bill on the loose the way he is, there's no telling how much he knows about you. Or what he could do to turn you against us." He picked up Selena bridal style and carted her out of the ruined portal room and into his lab. He place her on a table and retrieved a medical box filled with things you wouldn't expect to find among normal ointments and gauzes.

He used a pestle and mortar to grind up these little black things and dumped the powder into the unconscious twins mouth. He turned back after placing a blanket over her. "Go back home quickly and grab whatever you need, the medicine should only take a few hours to work and your sister should be awake within the next two days."

Misae nodded silently, leaving just the same.

Misaes P.O.V. ~

Wow, that worked better than expected. The rift was all Bill needed now, then a number of things would happen. First though, I want to make sure my sister is ok. I know Bill said I didn't have anything to worry about, but even if I wanted to argue against Ford he would have insisted I stay for Selena's sake. He'd probably have something to spy on me because of Bill anyway.

Speaking of the devil, as I walked who to float by me with his arms behind his head with a content smile but Bill Cipher himself. His eyes were closed as he floated backwards avoiding anything in his way. "So, how's it feel?" I ask pertaining to the new body. "Why don't you touch it and find out?" He opened one eye just in time for me to look at him unamused. But just to humor him I booped his nose. He blinked multiple times in quick succession, as if he wasn't expecting me to do such a thing.

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