Theo Raeken // Princess

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You shove your books in your backpack and close your locker to see Theo leaning against the other lockers, smiling at you.

"Hi princess!" He gets off of the lockers and follows you to your next class. You and Theo have been dating for 2 months now and ever since you started to date, Theo would always call you princess. You never understood why but you always liked it.

You roll your eyes and look back at him "Why do you always call me princess?"

"Because you're my princess!" He laughs.

"I'm not a princess." You laugh with him as you two enter English class.

He sits down in the seat behind yours and your turn to look at him. "Why would you like to know?" He scoffs

"I don't know, you just call me that all of the time"

"Well I'm not telling you!" He laughs and the bell rings with the teacher starting to talk about the homework from the night before. You forget about the whole 'princess' thing and daydream your way through English class. Soon enough the bell rings and school is finally out for the day. Theo runs out of the class and you have a confused look on your face. Why did he run out so fast?You walk over and open up your locker and find a note sitting on the ground that fell from your locker. You bend down and pick it up, unfolding it to see a small letter written by Theo:

Dear Princess,
So you want to know why I call you princess? Well, it's because I want to treat you like a princess because you deserve to be treated like one, and I want the whole world to know. You are my princess and I love you.

You had a huge grin on your face and feel a hand on your waist. Theo rests his head from behind your shoulder and kisses you on the cheek, making you giggle. Theo then walks away to his car with you following.

I thought this one was kind of cute. I do come up with all of these myself unless stated otherwise. Hope you enjoyed! 367 words.

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