Theo Raeken // Impressions

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"Alright, why are we having a pack meeting again Scott? I just have to go home and study for the biology test tomorrow!" You roll your eyes and sit next to Kira on the couch.

"Because, we need to talk about someone."

"Theo. That asshat wants to join the pack." Stiles says immediately after Scott finished his sentence.

"Oh, Theo. What's so bad about him? I thought you were friends with him?" You look at Stiles and then at Scott.

"Yeah, well he's not the same y/n. He's different." Stiles starts to think and theorize more about Theo. You think about Theo as Scott, Kira and Stiles talk more and then people started to leave.

"Just... stay away from him y/n okay?" Scott puts a hand on your shoulder. Scott was like your older brother and worried a lot about you, so you knew he was gonna warn you about Theo. You nodded and left to your car.

(The next day)

"So, are you ready for that Biology test Stiles?" You walk up to the gang before first period.

"Hey, I actually studied this time!" He laughed. You roll your eyes and stare off into the distance to see a set of eyes watching you. You stare at the brunet boy that is standing in front of the lockers and he smiles at you.

"Y/n?" Lydia looks at you and you snap back into reality. The bell rings and you rush to your biology class.

Soon enough, it was the end of the day. You say goodbye to the gang and head to your car until you see someone leaning against it. You look closer and it's the same brunet boy who was watching you in the hall. It was Theo Raeken. What is his problem with me? You continue to walk up to your car and cross your arms. "Excuse me, this is my car."

"Oh I know. And I also know that you're y/n l/n, one of Scott's." He smiles at you.

"And you're Theo Raeken, someone who shouldn't be trusted." You scoff.

He gets off of your car and steps closer to you. "I don't know what they have been telling you, but I'm not a bad guy y/n."

"How am I supposed to know? You're not giving a great first impression."

He thinks, "Well, maybe my first impression on you can be at a nice dinner, tonight."

"Are you asking me on a date?" You laugh.

"Maybe. So, yes or no?" He gets closer to you.

You pause and smile, "Sure, But don't think you can get to Scott through me bud."

"Oh, this has nothing to do with Scott. You're beautiful and smart and funny, so I wanted to take you out and show you I'm not a bad guy."

You can tell he isn't lying because his pulse hasn't changed. You blush at his comment and open the door to your car. "Pick me up at 6?"

"Sure. I'll see you then." He winks at you as you're car starts and you pull out of the parking lot. You think to yourself as you drive home. Oh god, the pack's not gonna like this! But maybe, hopefully, they're wrong about Theo.

There's gonna be a part two soon. I just didn't want to add it into this because it would've been too long and I don't know how I want to do the date part yet. Okey byeeee! 575 Words.

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