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Once again, Alyssa found herself in the practice room once the bell for end of evening practice rang.

After making sure everyone was gone, she pulled out the dagger Felix had given her and spun it around in her hand before beginning practice the techniques Felix had taught her.

Before she knew it, it was already ten o'clock. Her body was praying for some rest, every single limp aching at that point but Alyssa wouldn't allow herself to slack off.

"The arena battle is right around the corner," she told herself. "I can't afford to rest."

And so she didn't.

Everyday became the same. She would eat breakfast, practice, have lunch at noon, practice, have supper at seven, practice then finally get some sleep at one.

It wasn't healthy, even she was aware of that but her paranoia wouldn't allow any more rest than what she already had. She need to practise, she needed to improve her skills, she needed to-

"Rest," a voice came from behind her. Immediately, she turned around to see Chris. It wasn't a suggestion, she released but rather a command.

"How did you get in here?" She asked, confused since the door was supposed to locked.

He simply lifted up a key.

"Where did you get that from?" she continued.

"The Head's office. I took it many years ago but that's besides the point right now. You need to rest."

"I can't. I need to practice."

"True but you also need rest."

"Just give me a few more hours."

"No, Alyssa, you need to rest now."

The Australian boy approached her and took a good look at her facial features.

"You're clearly worn out, everyone can see it. You're eyes are duller, you constantly have bags under your eyes, and your smiles, no everything, all of it has become weaker. You need to rest, Alyssa, and you need toy rest now."


"Please," he pleaded. "I can't bare to see you in this state."

She sighed, placing the dagger she had been using in her pocket and looking back up at him.

"Fine, but can you teach me how to be...you?"

He cocked an eyebrow.

"Teach you how to be me?" He questioned.

"I mean, strong and good at fighting and...a legend."

He chuckled softly, looking at the ground briefly.

"Sure, but only if you get some rest."

"I will. I'll go right now."

Chris nodded while he headed to the door before realising Alyssa wasn't behind him.

"Alyssa-" he started.

"Just one more hour and I promise I'll go to bed," she pleaded pulling the dagger out of her pocket and beginning to practice again.

Chris shook his head in disbelief before approaching her again, instantly picking her up bridal-style.

"Put me down," Alyssa fussed.


"Why not? Where are you taking me?"

"To bed."

"Chris," she whined before pouting. "I don't want to go to bed."

"Why not? And don't say you need to practice."

She was silent for a while before finally exhaling loudly.

"Every time I close my eyes or I'm not practicing, I see myself dying in the battlefield because I'm too weak. And...I don't want to die."

Chris sighed as he placed her down and used his thumb to wipe the tears she hadn't known had escaped her eyes.

"You're not going to die, Alyssa. At least, not when I'm alive. I'll look after you, I promise and kill who ever threatens to kill you. And I'll help you improve your skills so when I'm gone you can still survive the arena battles, okay? I'm going to do all I can to help you survive."

"But why?" She uttered though it was barely audible. "We aren't allies...are we?"

"We aren't," he shook his head before pulling up his left sleeve to reveal a tattoo of a scale. "I'm a Libra."

"Then why are it helping me?"

Chris sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"It's just...never mind...let's just get you to bed already," he replied before heading towards the door.

Alyssa didn't question him further but instead just followed behind him, her thoughts flooding her mind.

Why did he care so much?

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