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"You're really strong," Felix complemented as they both exited the practice room together. "Aren't you going to practice though? Like other nights?"

"I need to rest," Alyssa uttered. "I'm so tired and worn out from all of the lost sleep. I swear I could fall asleep and only wake up in December."

Felix chuckled.

"If it meant missing the arena fight, I would too."

"When will be start practicing properly? Like with machetes and all."

"Probably the start of next you think you've improved you're skills on the dagger?"

Alyssa nodded before pulling it out of her pocket and handing it to him.

"Thank you," she told him, smiling sincerely.

"Anytime...Just please don't betray us on the battlefield."

"I would never...Don't betray me either because I swear, Bam will kill you."

"I wouldn't...Anyway, I saw you having lunch with Chris earlier there something going on with you two that you haven't mention to me?"

"There's nothing," Alyssa rolled her eyes though she couldn't ignore how her heart began to thump loudly at the sound of Chris's name.

"Are you sure?" He wriggled his eyebrows as he leaned closer to tease her further.

"Argh! Go away," Alyssa chuckled as she pushed him away, shaking her head in disbelief. "There's nothing between us, okay?"

"Then why are you hanging out a lot these days?"

"He's helping me improve my battle skills."

Felix simply nodded as they approached the nearest elevator.

"Jungkook and I are planning on playing cards tonight, wanna join? I guarantee it'll be fun," Felix offered, showcasing his charming smile.

"Yeah, why not? I do need to relieve some stress anyway."

"Great! It's not that fun playing as two anymore."

Alyssa chuckled.

"You and Jungkook seem really close..."

"We are," The Aussie responded with a large smile but it soon faded. "Chris used to hang out with us a lot too but after his fight with Bam, he has been distancing himself. I think he worries that one day we'll hurt him and he doesn't want it to affect him too much."

"Why would he worry about that?" Alyssa asked as they entered the elevator.

"You don't know anything, do you?" He uttered as he pressed the button for the top floor. "Chris and Bam used to be the closest of friends. They were almost fact, at some point, Bam was actually part of our group."

"Really? Bam never mentioned that to me..."

"They had a nasty fight. It ruined their relationship severely. Now they are arch enemies. During the last arena battle, Chris would have killed Bam but he ran out of time."

"What was the fight about?"

Felix sighed, looking at the ground as the elevator began to go up.

"A girl."

"A girl? Who? Why? They let a girl get between their relationship? What? Did they have a crush on the same girl?"

"She cheated on them with each other."

"Who's the girl?"

"I've spoken too much already, if you want to find out ask them."

"Would they even tell me though?"

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