Bachelor (Daveed Diggs x Reader)

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Warnings: cheating, implied smut
Pairing: Daveed Diggs x Reader
A/N: kind of angsty in the middle because goddamn such a plot. i hope this satisfies this gorgeous anon who knows i love this guy.
The day you had dreamed of since you were younger was coming closer and closer. You wanterd to plan your wedding day since you were a teenager and started to obsess about that kind of stuff.

Your partner, Elliot, seemed to be your perfect match. He and you did almost everything together since you met. Elliot introduced you proudly as his fiancée and showed off the huge ring that rested on your finger.

Tonight was not your wedding night, tonight was your bachelorette party and you had a slight worried feeling in your stomach about what your friends were planning. The venue was at some country club you didn't belong to but your best friends, Renèe, Pippa and Jasmine did and decided to rent it out for you and your other friends.

"Alright, we're here!" Angela, your sister, announced in your ear and taking her sweet time to pull the blindfold off.

When you opened your eyes, you were inside a large room full of colorful decorations in all of your favorite colors. There was a stage in the back of the room, making you wonder what that was for.

You quickly spotted your other three friends in a corner. They waved and run over to you as soon as they spotted you.

"Hey girlfriend, do you like it?" Renèe asked while hugging you. You nodded with a grin on your face.

"What's with the stage?" you asked. Pippa and Jazzy snickered. "You'll see," the two said and grinned evily.

The party started once a few other girls you knew, Ariana, Carleigh, and Sasha (I'm using the ensemble now– Awesome. Wow) had arrived.

You and your friends might have had a few drinks. Okay, all of you had a lot of drinks. The trashiest rap music you could find was on full blast while everyone tried, but failed, to dance along to it.

"Alright, alright!" Jasmine hopped on the stage and spoke in the microphone to get everyone's attention. "So when Y/N would open her presents, we wanted this to be the last one. But, because I doubt we can barely stay conscious for like, two more minutes," she started and earned a laugh from everyone. "it's here now."

Renèe and Pippa re-entered the room with smirks on their faces next to two guys, Daveed Diggs and Rafael Casal, making your mouth dangle wide open.

"Holy shit," you whispered next to Ariana, who had the same look on her face. Daveed gave you a large grin that you swore was brighter than the sun.

"Happy Bachelorette, Y/N!" Rafael and Daveed praised in the microphone after setting up on the stage. You blushed in response and the teo began their first song.

While the song Wriggle played, Angela crept up next to you. "Aren't those the two guys you gush about all the time?" she asked teasingly. You felt yourself blush as you nodded shyly.

"I'd be more than okay if that was one of the founders of our country," she muttered while walking away.

After the performance, Daveed and Rafael were getting ready. Tonight you were feeling bold, bold enough to atleast talk to Daveed. "Thanks so much for coming!" You beamed, walking his direction. He turned to you and returned the grin.

"Hey, I'm here to celebrate the incoming of a married couple, I'm pretty satisfied," he chuckled, earning a laugh from you. Holy shit! You were talking to the Daveed Diggs. Go you! Maybe it was the alcohol talking because you somehow had enough courage to seag phone numbers with him.

"Have a great wedding!" Daveed congratulated. Rafael winked and gave you a knowing smirk while walking out. It seriously made you wonder if he was eavesdropping on you two.
You joined your friends who were now getting their stuff and were trying their best to sober up before leaving.

"Holy shit. I just got the Daveed Diggs' number." You and everyone else squealed.
Only one more week until your wedding. Your excitement couldn't be contained. Elliot would often joke about you going under cardiac arrest if their was one more rehearsal dinner.

"You ready to go?" Elliot asked while planting a kiss on your cheek. You gave him a nod. You saw another car pull up in the driveway. Your fiancé looked at it quizzically but his eyes widened when the car stopped.

"Stay here, I'll be right back," he assured and walked out to the door.

Shrugging, you pulled out your phone, feeling the same bravery you had a few nights ago, you wanted to text Daveed to see if his number worked.


Was that an okay thing to send to someone like him? You sure hoped it was.

After a few moments, Hey

You let out a sigh of relief. Thank God, I thought you gave me a fake number

I wouldn't do that! Daveed texted.

Are you sure? Not even to some drunk fan girl?

Yeah, you were pretty drunk

You were about to send a witty reply until you were cut off by sobbing outside. Curiously walking out the door slowly, you saw Elliot shushing a girl who looked a lot younger than you.

"Are you Y/N?" the girl asked between sobs. Elliot gave you a warning look.

"Yes? Elliot, who's this?" Your heart sunk to the pit of your stomach.

"She hangs out with me and the guys sometimes, just leave it alone," he dismissed hurriedly. You kept your feet planted on the ground and looked at the girl who was breathing harshly now.

"I'm pregnant and I'm really in love with the father!" she cried, pointing to your fiancé and more tears spilled down her cheeks.

Yes, you were hurt but you were angry and frustrated. Your wedding was in a week and he had the audacity to get some random girl pregnant. You looked at Elliot, shaking in anger.

"She's lying, Y/N, she's crazy!" Elliot tried. You started to walk backwards. The girl rushed to Elliot's side and sobbed on her knees.

"Don't listen-" he started towards you but ypu pushed him away.

"No, you've done enough, I'm just done with you," you sighed and took the ring off ypur finger, throwing it on the ground next to him. You had to get out of there fast.

Hopping into your car and driving a street down then parking on a curbside, you pulled out your phone. You tried to call your friends but none of them answered. You tried to call your sister but you interrupted by someone tapping on the window.

Daveed Diggs tapping on your window.

You rolled the window down for him. "Hey, you live here?" he asked. You faced him, tears down your cheeks. His eyes widened at you. "Woah, you okay there?" you shook your head.

Daveed helped you out. He let you in his car and the two of you drove around, not going anywhere, but just driving around the city. It was peaceful and you could tell Daveed just wanted to give you your space. Who knew someone like him could be so preservative.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" he asked, breaking the calming silence. You knew you were going to have to at some point.

"He cheated on me," you said emotionlessly. "and got her pregnant."

Daveed gaped at you. "What an asshole. He got her pregnant a week before your wedding?!" he spat angrily.

"If there is anything you ever-" you cut him off by shifting over to face him and kiss him.

"You, Daveed. Just you, that's all I need and that's all I want. Just stay with me."

He grinned, flashing his blinding smile. "I think I can do that." Daveed nodded and pulled your face close to his.

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