It's Like Candy (Jasmine Cephas Jones x Reader)

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Summary: Jazzy's been down lately. You really hope you can somehow cheer her up.
Word Count: 1,973w, 10,586c
Warnings: Dysthymia, smut, and cursing???
Your gut told you that there was something wrong with Jasmine. It always seemed like she was depressed or missing some part of her. You missed her smile, endless jokes, even her impressions.

You were sure it wasn't you or any of the cast mates. Then again, you had zero idea what could cause depression. Sometimes after her shows, she'd come the apartment that the both of you shared and cried into your shoulder. It sometimes lasted a few hours or most of the night.

By now, she would have put on a brave face and tried to cover up her pain. Even though she tried her hardest to smile, for you, the audience, her friends and cast members, there was a noticeable pain in her eyes that seemed to haunt her.

You tried to be on your best behavior around her at home. Watching her favorite movies, cooking her favorite meals, even cleaning around the house, which you knew upsetted her when she forgot to. It was a lot different not having your girlfriend wrapping her arms around you or telling you what Rafa and Daveed got into that day. It killed you inside to see her so miserable.

Your phone buzzed with a text from Jazzy. It had been a long day and you just wanted to have her in your arms.

JasCephas<3: ok, the show's over

Y/N: i'm on my way. sorry if i'm not there in a few minutes
JasCephas<3: you're fine. i just want this night to be over

Y/N: me too. anything you want me to get you?

JasCephas<3: can we get ice cream? i'm in the mood

Y/N: how bad was tonight?

JasCephas<3: miserable

Y/N: on my way
You pulled up in front of Richard and Rogers. Jazzy was leaning against the theatre in a light conversation with Lin. You could tell she wasn't interested enough to what he had to say.

"Thanks for coming, Jazzy. I know you didn't really want to." You heard him say. You got out of the car and Jazzy's expression lifted at the sight of you.

She approached you with a hug and climbed into your car. "Thank you for keeping her company, Lin," you smiled.

He returned the grin. "She really missed you."
You nodded and waved, then climbed back into your car. "Which ice cream place?" you pressed to her.

She looked off and leaned her head against the car window. "Can we just go to the grocery store. I don't feel like getting stopped to take a picture."

You nodded. "I'll shield you if anyone recognizes you." You took her hand in yours and squeezed it reassuringly.

The two of you arrived in front of the nearest grocery store to your apartment. Jazzy got out of the car with her hood on and a light frown and bored expression on her face.

"What kind of ice cream are you in the mood for?" You asked once you grabbed a cart.

She shrugged and looked downwards. "Vanilla with whip cream sound good?"

You nodded in agreement. As the two of you rolled your cart down the frozen aisle, you noticed two girls, who looked like they were barely teenagers, staring and whispering towards Jazzy.

"Oh hell no." You whispered to your girlfriend. She sighed and shook in response.

The two of you decided to ignore the girls and just get what you came for. You opened one of the doors to a row of vanilla ice cream. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the same girls from earlier tap Jazzy on the shoulder and ask, "Are you Jasmine Cephas Jones?"

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