I'll See You On The Other Side (Aaron Burr x Reader)

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Warnings: angst, character death
A/N: more in burr's perspective. so many helpless references
Pairing(s): Aaron Burr x Reader, Thomas Jefferson x Reader
It was true what Alexander said. Aaron Burr always does stand to the side. He stood to the side and watched as his best friend, Thomas Jefferson to the only woman he loved away from him.

It started out with compliments and smiles and then quickly turned into kissing and 'I love you's. All Aaron could do was just watch like nothing was wrong. What was wrong was that you should have been his. Not Thomas. Not anyone. His.

Aaron could never forget the haunting night when he saw Thomas lead you into his room in the apartment Aaron and him shared. It was hard to sleep that night, knowing what you and Thomas had done.

Aaron moved out the next week.
"I'm going out," you said, snapping Aaron out of his thoughts. He gave you a forced smile and two thumbs up. You started to head to the door before you stopped in your tracks and turned towards him. "Thomas says hi. You should talk to him more, he misses you," you smiled and then left.

Aaron scoffed at what he would even say to Thomas. 'Hey, I miss you, man, but you stole my soulmate.' Or maybe, 'Hey, nice to see you again, but can you leave Y/N alone? She's this one's mine.'

A few hours later, you weren't answering his phone, you always called him when you were going back to your house. You would give him every detail of what you had done or what you had said while you were gone.

Aaron's phone began to ring, thinking it was you, he picked it up automatically. It wasn't from you, it was from Eliza. He still picked up the phone with high hopes that she was with you at that moment.

"Hey Aaron, uhm... I'm with Angelica and Alexander right now," Eliza started shakily.

Aaron didn't like how this call was going. He let her continue. "We're at the hospital right now. It's about Thomas and Y/N," Eliza finished, sounding like she was crying.

In the background, Aaron could hear sobbing from Angelica's voice. Even a little from Alexander. Eliza didn't have to say anymore before Aaron stood up and rushed out the door and drove to the hospital at full speed.
Arriving at the hospital, Aaron quickly spotted Eliza, Angelica, and Alexander in the waiting room. "Thank god you're here," Eliza cried as soon as she saw him. Angelica pulled Aaron into a hug and Alexander gave him a nod.

"What happened?" Aaron asked as soon as Angelica let go of their embrace. Eliza let out a shaky breath before responding. "Well, Thomas and Y/N had a few drinks but they still thought they were sober enough to drive home.

On their street, a car came out of nowhere and slammed into them. Angelica was notified immediately by the ambulance," Eliza told him.

Her words left him breathless. "Will they be alright?" Aaron asked impatiently. "The doctor said they'd be out in a moment after they examine their wounds," Angelica shrugged.

"They're lucky to be alive right now," Alexander muttered, using a phrase Eliza used often.
As if on cue, the doctor came out with a clipboard. "Are any of you family members or close friends that happened to be taking care of Thomas Jefferson and Y/N L/N?" The doctor asked. Angelica stood up immediately. "I've been living with Y/N for years now," she pointed to Aaron and motioned him over.

"This is one of Thomas's best friends, Aaron Burr," Angelica finished. The doctor gave a tight smile and led them inside the room you and Thomas were in.

Thomas's eyes were fixed on you, who seemed unconscious. "Y/N hasn't woken up yet," the doctor said motioning towards her state. "Will she be alright?" Thomas spoke up.

The doctor didn't respond. "Are you her boyfriend?" The doctor asked seriously. Thomas's shocked look turned into a small smile. "As of tonight she is my fiancé," He grinned. Aaron's heart sunk to the pit of his stomach. Angelica noticed this and put a friendly arm around him. "Well congratulations, but I need to speak with you," The doctor added.

Angelica and Aaron took the hint that it was a private matter for the doctor and Thomas to discuss. They left the room and returned to Alexander and Eliza, who were now asleep next to each other. Aaron fell asleep too as if his brain couldn't understand what was happening in the situation.
An hour later, Aaron awoke only to hear loud sobbing and sniffling. He felt himself being shook and his eyes snapped open and revealed Eliza and Angelica who were crying quite loudly, causing attention from other people in the waiting room. The two obviously didn't care who was staring at them.

Alexander motioned Aaron over and pointed to the window that revealed doctors trying to give you chest compression repeatedly and a nurse reprimanding Thomas away from the scene. "Is she...?" Aaron asked automatically. Alexander looked at him with painful eyes, it was dead silent in the room now. Alexander began to nod.
A few months passed by. The doctors couldn't save you. Thomas was heartbroken and Aaron was depressed. Thomas had moved back to Virginia. It was quiet now.

You weren't there to fill the room with her bright smile or make a pun out of a serious situation. Nobody could believe that you were gone. Aaron realized he had never needed you the most. He didn't care that you were engaged to Thomas the night you died, it never could change the fact that he loved you.

Everyone was gathered for your funeral. It was small. Your family had stopped by. Angelica, Eliza and Peggy had given a speech and told stories of your life. Lafayette and Hercules layed flowers by your casket. Thomas read a poem he wrote to you when he asked you to marry him ("Pussy," Aaron thinks to himself.) Maria even gave your family something that you had given her when they were in college.

Everyone departed sadly and still in tears. If not, they were sobbing. Aaron stood there. Still there with the hopes that this was just a sick joke. That maybe his presence would be enough for you to come back to life.

"You're still here?" Aaron heard Alexander ask behind him. He turned around and nodded. "You always had a chance with her, you know, she loved you too," Alexander said. "I don't understand why you stood to the side," He finished. Alexander left, leaving Aaron alone with your lifeless body.

Aaron approached her slowly. He stopped when he stood over your casket. "I wish I told you I loved you," he said softly.

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