Chapter 1

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It was just another day. Me and April hanging out in her dad's lab playing with the turtles and me playing with my toy ninja weapons while April would film both the turtles, splinter and me. "Leo(my nickname since I'm born in july) can you get Raphael and Leonardo so I can video tape them?" April said as she got her turtles Donatello and Michelangelo and I got my too turtles since I was most likely the only one that they'd allow to touch and hold them. That's one of the reasons why I love them and cause of that I named them Leonardo and Raphael.

Raphael was always protective over his brothers but whenever I were in the lab I could touch the turtles and hold them. Leonardo on the other hand would always follow me around when I'd let all of them out of there little tanks to run around for a little while. Even when I'd come to the lab with a scrap either I was fitting or going other things such as falling, him and raphael would always be right up against their tanks to look at what happened and then get overprotective over me.

Anyway after it was time to go home since I live with April and her father Mr. O'Neil. April and I waited in the lobby for him to finish up with his work so we can go. After awhile he took us home but the strangest thing happened. He went back to the lab but he was mumbling something about him destroying something so someone can't use it.

So naturally I was curious and told April to come with me and as we were walking I told her what I heard and I head this feeling something was going to happen that wasn't good but me being me I just ignored it.

Time skip

So we finally got to the building but what shocked me will never leave my mind ever. The lab was on FIRE!!! I rushed into the building with April shouting my name while running after me but I just ignored it and kept running till I got to the lab. April then helped me get our turtles and splinter to safety but on the way a peice of wood almost fell on April and the turtles and splinter but I pulled them out of the way of the falling wood.

We rushed out of the burning building and got to a safe distance away from it while fire trucks where starting to pull up to put the fire out. As they where doing that April handed me Raphael and Leonardo as we started to put them down near the storm drain they looked confused and cuddled my figures as their other brothers started going into the drain then they went. Then splinter went into it after but waited and looked at us almost in a thanking way.

(End of dream)
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. 'Oh great. Someday just someday when I'm not worried about having to get a alarm clock I'm going to just throw this one at a wall very soon' I sigh opening my eyes hitting the snooze button looking up at the picture of me April and our turtles and splinter the day of the fire and also the day that Mr. O'Neil died.

He was more like a father to me than my own father that left me and my mother before she got cancer and died when I was 7. Ever since then I lived with the O'Neil family and they're the closest thing to a family so I always thought of them as my family only I originally had a different last name.

Oh sorry how did I forget to introduce myself I'm Y/N Jade O'Neil. The cool and protective sister of April O'Neil that can fight in any kind of 'ninja fighting' as April puts it and can use any kind of weapon but I choose the sia and the katana.

My favorite colors are red and blue don't ask me why I have no idea.

Anyway I'm just about to get up when all of a sudden I hear a scream coming from the kitchen. 'Oh boy what happened now' I thought then all of a sudden April screams "Leo get in here now!!!" "I'm coming Ares!" I yell while running towards the kitchen to find out what's going on.

Her Story: Teenage mutant ninja turtles 2014Where stories live. Discover now