The Start of Something Bad

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Todoroki awoke to the sound of an alarm clock, the beeping drilling a hole into his brain until he couldn't take it anymore and promptly sat up in bed, turning it off. He ran his hand through his mismatched hair and sighed. He did not want to go running, in fact it was the last thing he wanted to do at this very moment. But nonetheless, he mentally screamed at himself everyday to get out of bed and go for a run. He had fallen into a routine of exercising every morning since he entered U.A., pushing his body to the limits until it felt as though his heart was in his throat, and his vision turned blurry. Although he knew it wasn't natural or healthy, he continued to persist every morning for the sole purpose of becoming a better and stronger hero, strong enough so that he could save people. Todoroki walked to his closet, stumbling when he stood, and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a white T shirt. After throwing them on, he opened the room to his dorm and began his walk to the beach, his favorite spot to go running.

Just ten minutes into his run, Todoroki noticed another person running from afar . Strange, he thought, wondering why anyone else would be on the beach at this hour of the morning. As he got closer to the person, he noticed the fluffy mass of green hair on their head , bobbing up and down as they ran . Suddenly it hit him. "Midoriya?" He called out. The person turned their head at the sound of Todoroki's voice, and smiled when they saw him. " Hi Todoroki!" Midoriya called back, slowing his pace and stopping as Todoroki did the same. "Midoriya, i didn't know you liked to run here" He said, uncharacteristically smiling at the sight of him. Since the fight with Stain and rescuing Bakugou, Midoriya and Todoroki had slowly drawn closer as friends. Sometimes though, he wished they were more than friends. He had realized his feelings a couple nights after moving into the dorms, where they spent a lot of time together, since they practically lived with each other, aside from having separate rooms. He didn't know he was attracted to the same sex until that night, as he had never had romantic feelings for someone before. Until now. Whenever he was around him, his heart fluttered, and sometimes a blush threatened to creep up his face whenever he got close to him. " I love running on the beach! Its so calming and i like the sound of the waves" Midoriya replied with a smile so bright it was blinding. 'Me too" Todoroki replied, his heart fluttering in his chest. He glanced down at his watch and flinched. "Midoriya, i think i may start to go back to dorms now, as to school is starting soon" Really?" Midoriya looked at his All Might themed watch. "You're right! We should really get going if we want to make it back in time" We? thought Todoroki. Does that mean we're walking back together? Midoriya confirmed his thoughts when he said "Cmon, lets walk back together!" His face heated up as he and Midoriya ran together back to the dorms.

Once todoroki was back in his room, his dark thoughts from the night before returned as he stepped onto the scale, flinching and nearly crying at the number he saw. 60 kilograms. Sure, doctors had said that a number like that was more than healthy for a boy his age, but he still felt guilty and ashamed about it. I need to lose more weight, he thought, while sinking down against the bathroom wall until his knees were pulled up against his chest. "I'm such a fat pig" he mumbled and wrapped his arms around his knees, tears threatening to fall from his watering eyes. No. This was not like him. If he cried, it would be proof of how weak he really was. So as hard as it was, he gathered his remaining confidence and pulled himself off the bathroom floor and changed into his uniform, and, although he was feeling self conscious, he stepped out of his dorm room and walked down the hall, and into the first class of the day.

No, he thought as the lecture started and he pulled out his notebook. I will not let anyone see how weak i am. Never.

I don't have a choice, do I?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя