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Kirishima has watched Midoriya follow Todoroki into the bathroom. He too, had noticed Todoroki's strange behavior over the past couple months.

The odd pattern of eating and then immediately going to the bathroom, the baggy clothes, excessive training, and dark circles adorning Todoroki's eyes.
Suspicious, he decided to follow them into the bathroom. He turned the doorknob and stepped in.

To enter the bathroom, one would first open the door and walk to the right, down a short hallway, turn a left, and then they would reach the stalls.

Right now, Kirishima was standing up against the wall on one side on the hallway, close enough to hear what was going on, and concealed by the wall so that he could leave without being caught if they started walking out.
What he heard shocked him.
Todoroki was crying.
He would've never, even in his wildest dreams, have thought that Todoroki was even capable of crying.

And what sounded like Midoriyas' voice was saying, "it's okay. it's okay."
Kirishima quietly left the bathroom with a strange look on his face, and sat back down at his table with Bakugou.
" What's with your face?" Bakugou deadpanned, voice void of any concern. "It's nothing..." Kirishima replied, not meeting Bakugou's gaze. Bakugou was concerned now. "Hey shithead." He said. "I don't know what the hell just happened in that bathroom, but let's get back to studying".
"Yeah, alright."

Midoriya hadn't known what to do at first.

Was he upset? Yes. But was he angry at Todoroki? No. It wasn't his fault he was feeling this way. He was most likely pressured by the weight of school, just like the rest of them. But the others had their own ways of dealing with stress, but Todoroki's life already had enough stress in it to begin with, so adding more probably didn't help.
His body seemed to move on its own, his arms drifting from his sides to embrace Todoroki. He only cried harder at this notion.
Midoriya was so caught up in the moment that he almost didn't notice the red tuft of hair in the corner of his vision, and the shuffling footsteps out the door.
At first, he was scared out of his mind. What would he think? Would he tell the whole class about what was happening? Would they tease Todoroki about it?
No, Kirishima was a good person. That's the last thing he would do. He knew how to keep his mouth shut and, though he may not look it, Bakugou too.
Finally, Todoroki stopped crying and looked up to lock eyes with Midoriya. "I'm sorry" he said. "It's okay," said Midoriya "We'll talk about it later"
Todoroki glances at himself in the mirror, and found that he was a mess. His eyes were red and his cheeks were blotchy. He walked over to the sink and splashed some water on himself, conscious of Midoriya watching him from behind. He dried his face with a paper towel, which, wasn't the best way to dry his face, but at this point he didn't care.
He and Midoriya slipped out of the bathroom and found an empty table to sit at. The next few hours were filled with intense studying, and little talk save for the occasional question.
Midoriya shut his book, looked up at Todoroki and smiled. "I think that's enough studying for today" he said. "Yeah" Todoroki agreed, shoving his notebook into his book bag.
The walk back was quiet. The boys didn't talk, but rather listened to the sounds of the night. Street lights flickered on and off, cars passed, and wind rustled the leaves on the trees.
Halfway through, though, Midoriya felt something cold hit his head.
"Oh no" he said, breaking the silence. Todoroki looked at him "What?" he said. "it's raining" Midoriya replied, looking over at Todoroki. "Oh" Todoroki said, looking down sheepishly. "I don't have an umbrella" "That's alright!" Midoriya replied "I always bring one just in case." "Are you okay with sharing an umbrella?" Todoroki asked, blushing at the idea. "Of course" Midoriya smiled, and Todoroki saw that as they passed under a streetlight, that he was blushing as well.
Midoriya gestured for Todoroki to come closer, and pulled an umbrella from his book bag, carefully opening it and raising it above his head. "I'll hold it, i'm taller" Todoroki said, and Midoriya politely passed the umbrella to him, fingertips grazing each other.
They walked back to the dorms, the soft pattern of rain on the streets calming their nerves.
Midoriya closed the umbrella once they reached the dorms, shook it off, and turned to Todoroki. "I think... we should talk now" he said quietly.

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