Emotions Must Be Let Out

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Over the past couple of weeks, Midoriya has watched Todorokis' strange behavior become increasingly concerning. He would go days without eating breakfast in the common room with the others, and he rarely left his room, save for school. He would lock himself up, it seemed, and he had started isolating himself from everyone else. Midoriya has tried his best to engage Todoroki in conversation, or encourage him to join group activities. But it never worked, much to his dismay. Todoroki always seemed to have an excuse hidden up his sleeve as to why he wasn't eating. " I feel sick" or "I can't eat because of medication" and just flat out "i'm not hungry", which was the one he used most frequently. At first Midoriya has believed him, but couldn't help but notice the fact that Todoroki struggled to keep his balance, and would train much harder and longer than others. One day in particular, Todoroki had just finished training in the gym, and upon standing up from the set of sit ups he had been doing, he swayed from side to side, and with shaky legs had stumbled out of the gym and into his dorm room. On his way out, Midoriya had said to him "Todoroki, don't you think you're overdoing it a little bit?" Todoroki had looked back at him and stayed silent. His expression was one Midoriya couldn't quite read. His eyes expressed... fear? But the rest of his face stayed expressionless. He walked (stumbled, rather) out of the gym, glancing over his shoulder one last time, his face covered in sadness.

It was a couple months ago when Midoriya had realized his feelings. He was sitting in the hospital bed after the fight with stain, and suddenly it hit him. He was in love with Todoroki.
He did a double take as he faced the fact that he was also sleeping in the same room as him. His face heated, and he could tell that his face was red. Todoroki has asked him if he was okay. Midoriya turned on his side so he wasn't facing him anymore, and mumbled something about how the pain meds we're having funny effects on him.

The fact that he cared so much about Todoroki made him much more concerned than it should've made him.
He pretended not to notice that whenever Todoroki did eat, he immediately went into the restroom.
He pretended not to notice his clothes being more baggy than usual.
But he had to stop pretending. Something was wrong with Todoroki, and Midoriya knew it. In junior high, they had a unit on mental health in health class. One of the sections in this unit had been "The warning signs of eating disorders". Todoroki had fit every description of those warning signs, and it only continued to make Midoriya even more worried.

His suspicions were confirmed the day he had followed Todoroki into the cafe bathroom. Yes, he had known it was wrong, to be intrusive like that. But he was concerned, and that emotion overpowered all his others.
The first thing he had noticed that was Todoroki was on his knees, from what he could see under the locked bathroom stall.
Then, he heard retching and coughing
He leaned against the wall, suddenly feeling sick. Not from the fact that he was listening to somebody throwing up, but because Todoroki was doing this to himself. Why would Todoroki do this to himself, Midoriya wondered, as tears welled up in his eyes.
Suddenly, he heard the door unlock, and Todoroki stepped out, breathing ragged and lips bleeding.
He looked up, and met the eyes of Midoriya.

The tears that had welled up in Midoriyas' eyes spilled down his face.
Todoroki gasped, and was at a loss for words. How would he explain himself? He had no excuses left. He wanted to punch himself in the face. What a perfect way to ruin a good day. He tried to say something, that he was sorry, that he could explain, but his words caught in his throat because of the lump that had formed there. He was going to cry. He was just so upset that he couldn't hold it back anymore.
He let out a choked sob.
Midoriya was in shock of what he was witnessing.
Todoroki Shoto, was crying. It was so out of character for him, that Midoriya nearly gasped out loud. What to do? Should he leave him be?
Midoriya opened his arms, and hugged Todoroki.
Another sob fell from Todorokis' lips as he was embraced by midoriya.
And so they were, hugging and crying in a cafe bathroom.

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