In Which One Must Eat

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Soon, his fourth class of the day, English, had ended, and it was now time for his most dreaded time of the day: Lunchtime. Every day for the past four days, he had somehow managed to come up with a reasonable excuse not to eat that day. Today, Todoroki shoved his noodles around the plate, trying to stall for time to come up with an excuse other than "I'm not hungry", which he already used twice now. 'Todoroki, why aren't you eating?" Midoriya inquired, looking his way with concern in his eyes. "Ah, i spaced out, that's all." he replied, willing himself to pick up some noodles with his chopsticks, and force down a bite of it. Immediately he regretted it. The oil seemed to burn holes in his tongue,  and the texture nearly made him gag. And the guilt, the overwhelming guilt he felt, caused a wave of nausea to crash down over him. "Please exuse me," He said , and walked towards the bathrooms. Once he had double checked that the door was locked, he promptly threw up. Shit, he thought. Now his breath would smell like vomit, and he surely would have a hoarse voice for at least a couple hours from the stomach acid. He quickly stood up from his kneeling position over the toilet bowl, and rinsed his mouth out as best he could with the sink water, and checked himself in the mirror, making sure he had no vomit in his hair or on his lips, which were chapped and cracking. He cleaned himself up as best he could, and within 90 seconds of entering, he stepped out of the bathroom and walked back to the lunch table. "Todoroki", Tsuyu said from across the table, with her hand against her chin, giving him a pondering look "Are you alright? Your lips are bleeding!" FUCK! i never  thought about the stomach acid burning my lips too!  "don't worry, Asui, Its just the dry weather" "If you say so" she replied, stealing a look at Midoriya, who was looking at Todoroki worryingly.

Once again, after school had ended, Todoroki was left alone with his dark thoughts, He had been sitting in the bathtub for nearly two hours now, wondering weather or not he should have something to eat. It had been four days since he had eaten anything, which was both delighting and scary to him. It wasn't natural, and he knew it. Yet nonetheless, he persisted starving himself, save for coffee. Finally,  making his decision, he got out of the bathroom and threw on a fresh pair of clothes, and, (even though he didn't want to), ate a small bag of pretzels and some celery. Just barely enough to keep him from feeling dizzy.

He was in the middle of studying when he heard three knocks on his door. At first he ignored it, figuring it was Kaminari or Kirshima fooling around. It wasn't until he heard another three knocks did he  get out of chair and answer the door. Opening the door, he was surprised to see Midoriya standing there, fiddling his thumbs and mumbling nervously to himself. Upon seeing Todoroki, though, he stopped mumbling and confidently stated, "Todoroki, may i talk with you?"

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