The Boy With Green Hair

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"Todoroki, We need to talk" Midoriya said, confidence in his eyes. Wow, thought Todoroki. he must've thought about this a lot since he was mumbling to himself just a couple seconds ago . I wonder why? ." What about ?" He inquired, opening the door wider so he could fully see him . He looked like he had either just showered or come back from an intense run, judging by his damp hair. Probably a shower, he thought, since it was nearly 21:00.  It was just then did Todoroki realize that he was standing less than a foot away, and in this proximity, could see every one of Midoriyas' facial features. His freckles adorned most of his cheeks and nose, and his  green hair stuck out in every direction. If you looked closely, you could see that his ears and cheeks were dusted with pink . He was flustered, despite his confident tone, and his eyes were always filled with either kindness or determination, or sometimes even both. Right now, he was looking at him with both emotions showing in his green eyes. Todoroki had always found Midoriyas' determination to be cute, but at the same time he was jealous. He had never been able to put his full devotion into something. It was as if something in him was holding back. But with Midoriya, he was always quick to but his full devotion into something. Like when at the sports festival, when he had convinced Todoroki to use his right side, something he never would of never done on his own free will. Thanks to Midoriya, he was slowly becoming more open minded, and he was grateful for that. He realized he had been staring for much too long now, and quickly looked towards to floor, heat creeping up his pale face. they stood there in uncomfortable silence for a few moments, until Midoriya spoke.

 "Me and Asui, we... we've noticed you haven't been eating for the past couple of days." Todorokis' breath hitched. What if they had figured it out? That he had been restricting, starving himself for over a month now? after all, he had lost a considerable amount of weight, which didn't go unnoticed by his classmates. He had passed it off, saying that he had lost so much weight due to the rigorous training he had been doing. Everyone believed him, though some, including Midoriya, had looked skeptical. "Well, i..." Todoroki said, voice trailing off, stalling for time once again to think of an answer  "Have you been sick?" Midoriya asked, giving him a worried look. Todoroki let out a sigh of relief , thankful that he didn't need to come up with an answer himself. "No, I'm not' he replied "I just skip lunch because, well, i don't like people watching me eat". What he had just said wasn't so far off from the truth. He was self conscious, not only during meals, but all the time. Hopefully Midoriya would accept his answer and his suspicions would dissipate. "Oh!" Midoriya said, clearly taken off guard with his answer "I feel that way a lot, too" he said sheepishly, one arm raising to rub the back of his neck. Todorokis' eyebrows raised, surprised that he felt the same way.

"Anyways, i also came here to ask you if you'd like to study with me tomorrow!" Study? Just me and Midoriya?  Todoroki thought. "Sure" he replied with a smile on his face. 

Even after Midoriya had left, Todoroki had a smile on his face.

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