Everything Will Be Fine

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Todoroki opened his eyes, greeted with white plaster ceiling looming over him. He rubbed his eyes, and frowned, for he had not gotten a lot of sleep and felt quite groggy and disoriented. Sunlight poured out through the windows, enlightening his mood just slightly. He rolled onto his side, drew up his knees, and slid out of bed. As he walked towards the windows, he realized how nice the tatami mat felt under his feet, feeling the soft woven fabric beneath him. He flung open the windows, sighing as the warm breeze washed over him and calmed his aching muscles, which were caused by his rigorous workout the night before.

 He had met Midoriya at the gym, where they had agreed to go for an hour long run. Midoriya had left after that, his workout being over and such. But Todoroki trained for another two hours following the run, pushing himself to the limits with no breaks until white fog clouded his vision. The others at the gym had looked concerned when he had stumbled out the door, holding onto the door frame in order to not fall over. He had  thanked every god there was that Midoriya hadn't seen him. Tsuyu had looked especially worried, just like she had been during lunch a couple days ago, when he refused to eat. She had asked him if he was okay, and, with a shaky breath, he had told her that he was "completely fine" and that he was "tired", knowing fully that she would report to Midoriya about what had happened. 

It was the weekend, the time of the week where all stress from school is lifted for two days, and this weekend in particular, he would be studying with Midoriya. Although Todoroki should've been elated because of this, he couldn't help but feel scared. What if he embarrassed himself? What if he didn't eat? Would he be able to use the same excuse he had used yesterday? Or would he just make Midoriya feel self conscious by not eating? Anxieties swarmed his thoughts but he put them to rest, reassuring himself that everything would be fine. Not wanting to eat breakfast down in the common room with everyone else, he decided instead that a shower would be beneficial.  

Last night, he had passed out in his training clothes as soon as he had entered his room, barely having the strength to walk the two feet to his bed, and definitely didn't have enough willpower to get up and shower once he was curled up in multiple layers of blankets. 

So, he stepped into the conjoined bathroom, turning on the shower and relaxed under the hot water. Once he was done, he put on black jeans, and a white T-shirt.  He walked out of the bathroom while toweling off his hair, and sat cross legged on his bed, scrolling through his phone. 

Just minutes later, Todoroki heard three knocks on his door. He smiled, knowing it was Midoriya, and walked over to open the door. Not surprisingly, Midoriya stood outside the door. He wore  gray sweatpants and a black shirt, as well as a navy collared shirt. He looks amazing, Todoroki thought, not realizing he was blushing until Midoriya asked "Todoroki, why is your face red? Do you have a fever?" "Ah," Todoroki responded "I don't, i, well..." "Never mind!" Midoriya said quickly, wanting to change the subject as fast as possible, before things got awkward. "Anyways, i was thinking, would you like to get food before we leave? I didn't see you at breakfast this morning, so you must be hungry" SHITSHITSHIT  "Sure" He replied, the words leaving his mouth before he had time to think about it. He was hungry, that was for sure. But what if he ended up unintentionally throwing up the food again, like he had yesterday? That would be disastrous, and might end up ruining the rest of the day for him. No, he thought. That will not happen. Everything will be fine. "Great!" Midoriya said, smiling widely.

Things were not fine.

I don't have a choice, do I?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें