Chapter 5

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"I just came from a religious santuary" She angrily whispered. "We weren't even allowed to talk there and your expecting me to steal now?" How dare it.

"I don't see you there now, I thought you escaped" it whispered smugly. Aria frowned. It had a point... But any normal human being would not have any intention of stealing. And she was normal. "That shop" the whisper urged. Aria looked in front of her and saw the title " thrift shop" she frowned. The owners that run thrift shops usually are poor and need the money, she felt bad. "Aria, I can hear you thinking... Don't worry just follow my voice" he whispered. Aria rolled her eyes as she entered the shop.

"Hi sister, welcome to our second hand store, may I help you?" The lovely lady asked Aria. She smiled politely as she shook her head.

"No thank you, just browsing for the.... Uh... Sanctuary!" She wasn't just browsing... She was stealing which was wrong and she knew it. Aria hurried down an isle of clothing and picked the clothing items that were closet to casual. She wasn't going to be walking around in a prom dress in the local town... No.

She looked both right and left before shoving the clothing and footwear under her dress. Aria looked down to find an obvious lump in her dress, she left out a loud sigh. How was she supposed to get out of here without getting caught. I mean after all, she didn't look pregnant when she came in. She pulled the clothes from under her dress and grabbed a plastic bag from the dressing rooms.

Aria was sweating as she walked towards the entrance of the shop. The cashier looked curious at her as she approached closer. "Uh... Excuse me sister, are you going to pay for those?" She asked putting an arm in front of her. Arias head exploded with one million excuses but she decided to go with the easiest one.

"These are the clothes that sister Mia left in uh.... The dressing rooms um.... Last week!" She said a bit too nervous. The cashier eyeballed her for a second and then shrugged. Releasing her grip off of Arias arm.

"Oh yes, I remember seeing her here last week, off you go then" Arias scurried out of the shops no towards the toilets to get changed.

"That is not a nice feeling!" Aria whispered harshly. She was disgusted in herself. She was no longer allowed to call herself a Christian. She had sinned right next to holy ground and that made her feel sick. The whispers chuckles lingered in her head as she slipped on the shorts.

The nuns clothes laid on the toilet seat folded neatly as Aria exited the stall. "Have you seen a small girl, about yay tall and from the sanctuary?" Arias arm hairs stood up on end as the guards words echoed throughout the stalls. She was busted, for running away and for stealing. She peaked through the slots in the stall and saw the tall guard talking to the cashier.

"Actually, she was just in here..." She explained waving her arms about, Aria frowned. Punta. (Bitch) "saying she was claiming some clothes for her sisters" Arias face did not change into a smile, only a rotten expression that could easily express she was not impressed. "I think she went into the bathroom stalls!" The women said pointing towards Aria. Out of fear she stumbled backwards into one of the doors causing a clashing sound. The guards smiled and thanked the lady as they made their way towards the stalls.

"What the fuck am I meant to do now?!" She pleaded quietly to the whisper. It hushed her.

"See that small opening in the wall, climb through it" The whisper asked. Aria nodded and slowly tiptoed towards it. Peaking inside she saw nothing, just darkness.

"There's nothing in there!" She exclaimed. A bit too loudly. The whisper hushed her once again.

"Climb through the hole, trust me" it retorted desperately. Aria sighed and slipped through the crack, quickly looking behind her it sealed up and the guards were gone... The stalls were gone, and the scene was white. And there were no corners. Arias face faded to a pale white, she was afraid. No edges, no doors, no ceiling. Just white. As she was claustrophobic she started breathing heavily. Quite heavily actually. There was no escape and her sweat was accumulating on her forehead. She ran to the left as fast as her feet could carry her, her arms extended in front of her. But the wall didn't move, and it didn't seem like she was either. Collapsing to her knees Aria covered her eyes.

The white was blinding and her breaths became heavier and heavier. Then she was comforted, by a hand. A warm strong hand. The tears stained her cheeks as she stared at the tanned figure wrapped around her wrist. His arms were masculine and bare. The boy seemed to be wearing a rolling stone tank top that revealed his chest. Then Arias eyes floated up to her saviours face. He looked like he was sparkling, and gale couldn't stop staring. He was beautiful. The brown curls hung on the sides of his face, and his green eyes made her feel safe. Safer then she ever had before.

The gold glistened in large arched... Wings? Aria was taken back by the figure standing before her. The beauty, the perfection. He couldn't been human. She stared in awe at his biceps as he pulled her up. Instantly brushing herself off she realised she was face to face with someone who was.... Flawless. She felt embarrassed, insecure against him. He released his grip of her wrist and stared intensely into her eyes. (See what I did there :))) "I'm glad you made it" he said in a muscular tone.

Arias eyebrows rose. This was from her dream, she remembered now. "Okay, are you the guy that's been whispering to me?" She asked rudely. He jerked his head back.

"I'm the guy that saved your life!" He exclaimed never losing eye contact. Aria rolled her eyes.

"Saved me from what exactly? Because right now it looks like you've just gotten me into more trouble" She retorts in disgust. Saved? She just stole clothes and ran away from her home, that was NOT saving.

"From this" he said expanding a small black shadow. She was fascinated. It transformed into a large screen. She heard screaming and saw a small girl tied against a cross, fire daring to burn her feet. It was her. But why were her sisters trying to burn her, then it all made sense as Mia turned around. Her eyes, were blacker than the night and she looked lifeless. Somehow Aria slowly started to understand. The whispers were a warning, the whispers were a desperation. This image.... It was the future.

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