Chapter 43

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The diners all turned their heads at the loud sound of plates clanging and smashing into pieces on the floor. Arias wings tingled in her back, singing merciful lyrics as she threw forceful punches towards the enemy. Screeching echoed throughout the restaurant causing the diners to cringe and jerk their heads. The chefs all ran out of the kitchen in a stampede of screams as Arias fists collided into Debs ribs.

Punches flew into her jaw as she stumbled back into the metal bench, her hand landing in a dessert. She scowled flicking it off to the side, pouncing onto Aria with legs on either side of her body.

"You stupid bitch!" She spat, looking up at the lady who's eyes were filled with darkness. She gasped raising her hand and laying a firm slap on Arias cheeks. Leaving a red stinging sensation she felt tears ball in her eyes.

"I'm the stupid bitch?" She cackled looking at Aria with complete arrogance which made her cheeks flame with anger "I'm not the one who left that stupid school"

"But she's not the one stupid enough to cause havoc in a restaurant full of people" She spun her head to find Jerry and Harry, both standing their ground

"Well well well" Deb laughed dismounting off of Arias small body "If it isn't Jerry"

"What the fuck are you doing here"

"It's nice to see you too" she smirked making her way over to the man in the doorway "I'm just here to claim what is rightfully mine"

"She's not yours" he rolled his eyes "she's nearly 20 years old!"

Deb hissed, only inches away from his face. Aria could see how nervous Jerry was... She was also nervous when she clasped a knife from the bench and threw it Debs way.

"I'm going to rip your stupid wings out!" She screamed, causing an eruption of gasps from the dining area. She lounged forwards for Aria; hands stretched, eyes wide and lips perched in an unattractive smirk that sent chills down her spine. Pots clanged onto the ground as she slid across the metal bench that Aria was only inches away from. A scream escaping her chattering lips as she took a hold of her hair, tugging her down.

"You are mine!" She screeched, using her hair to inch closer to her "not Jerry's not Harry's... Mine"

Jerry scowled as he ran towards Deb, attaching himself onto her back causing her to stumble onto the ground and squirm under his weight.

"You two, go back to my place!" He shouted, as he slammed his hand onto her head to stop her wriggling "there is a door behind the bookcase, you'll have to use a fingerprint scan"

"How am I supposed to get through, we don't have the same fingerprints"

"It'll recognise you, I scanned you when you were little" he hurried "There is a tunnel that leads to the campus, you need to go back right now!" Aria gulped staring down at her raging mother, it was mortifying watching her struggle. But it was also mortifying to think that the one person she thought she could trust, the one person she thought she loved also betrayed her. No, mortifying was an understatement... It felt depressing.


"This is insane!" She shouted as Harry kept his eye on the road. It was dark and Arias mind was buzzing with rage

"Why would she do that?"

"Because she wants to mess with me!" She yelled burying her face into the palms of her hands

"Everything's going to be okay" he cooed

"Okay? This is far from okay Styles!"

"I know... but it can be" he tried as they pulled into Jerry's driveway. The house seemed to look bigger and grander each time she glanced away. They jumped out of the car, hurrying up the grassy walkway before Harry pulled out the key and swiftly unlocked the door. It swung open as they ran towards the bookcase in Jerry's mess of a bedroom.

"How does he keep this house so clean... His room is filthy" she gagged dodging pieces of moody pizza on her way to the shelf. A finger print scanner was stuck on the side of the wall, very discreetly. Aria took a long breath in before placing her thumb onto the plate. A green light appeared, scanning her thumb accurately. A robotic like voice echoed from inside the machine causing her to jump back.

"Hello Aria Lince, welcome back" it stated emotionless as the bookcase started to flip. A whole new room came into view... it included weapons and potions. A funky smell erupted from the bottles of strange substances causing a pulse to bounce in her forehead. She frowned at the small stinging sensation as she scanned for the tunnel that was sealed with wood.

"Harry... That tunnel is super small" Aria whispered feeling her pulse doubling in speed, he hushed her as he kicked in the planks of sturdy wood

"It will be alright, I will be right behind you the whole time" She smiled nervously, feeling a bead of sweat start to accumulate on her upper lip. Crouching, she stuck her head through the tunnel first, feeling the cold metal come in contact with her knees. She bit her tongue to savour the squeaking noise that nearly escaped her pale lips. Harry's warm eyes watched in hesitation as Arias whole body disappeared into the narrow entrance, soon followed by his own.

Their hands and knees clunked into the cold metal as their eyes continued in a straight line, determined to find the light. A darkness suddenly awoke, engulfing their bodies. Aria could feel her breathing patterns change, inhaling every millisecond... She was certain Harry could hear them.

"Ari, you need to breathe" He cooed, voice rebounding off of the tight walls

"I'm trying to breathe"

"Stop" he said more forcefully "You're just having a panic attack, okay?"

"A panic attack!" She paused feeling her hands begin to shake "am I going to die?"

"No, breathe with me... In and out" he insisted, she nodded following his instructions

"We need to get out of here"

"Are you alright now?" He asked, as he laid a delicate hand on her lower back. She closed her eyes feeling his safety shield over her

"I love you" she breathed, beginning to crawl in the dark tunnel once again

"I love you too"


The tunnel seemed to be never ending, it made Aria sick to her stomach that a light hadn't appeared in the last half hour. She knew Harry was still tracking slowly behind her, breaths present on the back of her thighs. A white circle shone in front of them and it seemed to grow as they continued to crawl.

"We've reached the end!" She almost screamed, wanting to jump for joy.

The light hit her tanned skin, instantly scaring away the shadows of the oblivious tunnel. The metal came to an end, cutting a neat cylinder around her. She smiled as she let her bare foot touch the soft grass, giggling when it hit her foot. Rustling beneath her toes, she was glad she was finally back in the campus. Looking back into the tunnel, Harry sat on the edge staring into the obis. She frowned, following his gaze which was soon caught off when she saw the demons circled around them.

"I think we took the wrong tunnel" she whimpered

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