Chapter 36

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The walls of the motel didn't seem that rough until Aria was pinned against them, the icy wind didn't seem to bother her until she was stripped to her underwear and bra, she didn't think she wanted Harry but when his lips were teasing her for more that's when she lost it. His tongue flicked over her lips asking for entrance which was not shortly after granted. Just the thought of his lips aroused her, he laid sloppy kisses down her neck leaving behind a trail of goosebumps. She melted in his arms as she felt her knees beginning to give out and buckle underneath her.

"Harry" she breathed "my knees, they're about to give out" Harry smirked into her neck, readjusting his hands under her thighs helping her balance. With her thighs hooked around his waist and his hands latched onto her she had never felt safer, and the pressure between her hips made her feel unbelievable. Soon all question, all things confusing were lost in a cloud of moans.

"I love you so much Ari" he sighed, sponging his soft lips down her collarbone. She twitched at the pleasurable feeling it afflicted upon her. Aria didn't know what to say, she didn't understand why she didn't love him yet, and she didn't understand why. The questioned haunted her as his hips kept rolling against hers, it was hard to focus on anything really when his love was basically radiating off of him.

Do I love Harry? It made her head hurt really, she thought she should love him... After all he's done for her and what they were doing now. She didn't even know where this was going but she knew she wanted it.

His name fell from her mouth repetitively receiving moans and smirks from him, she didn't know what to do when he lifted her and placed her on the bed. The fabrics coming in contact with her bare skin as he climbed on top of her continuing to sponge his lips on her collarbones. Aria didn't know why that specific area made her back arch off the bed, and her eyes roll into the back of her head. The pressure between her hips felt like a balloon, like a balloon full of air about to pop. And she didn't understand why it felt so good.

Harry kissed her lips passionately, it felt like he was telling a story. Like he was apologising for something, or maybe this emotion he was expressing was love? Aria had never experienced love, is this what love felt like. Did people get this sort of feeling when they loved someone? His hands snaked under her arched back to unattached her bra the thought of Harry seeing her naked didn't quite suit her yet, she wanted to save her body for someone she loved.

"Harry... Stop" she frowned, watching his green eyes stare down at her with confusion made her heart contract

"Did I hurt you?" He asked worried

"No... I just" she tried stifling her tears but instead she choked on them and they escaped her eyes anyway, Harry dismounted off of her and embraced her in a warm hug.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that" he apologised caressing her wet cheeks

"No, it's just I don't think I'm ready to-" she sniffled

"It's okay, you don't have to" She looked up at him through dark eyelashes, wet with tears and regret

"Thank you" she caved her head into his chest

"For what?"

"For stopping"


"Good morning" Harry chirped in a towel with a toothbrush hanging from the corner of his mouth. Aria squinted adjusting to the light which shone through the ugly second hand curtains. Reaching her hands over her head she stretched, squeaking at the relief. Harry had a smirk plastered on his face.

"What are you staring at Harold?" She yawned

"Your so adorable" he mumbled under the foam of toothpaste flooded his mouth. A spitting sound echoed through the bedroom as he rinsed his mouth out and threw the spare toothbrush in the bin. "How did you sleep?"

"This mattress is disgusting" she cringed sitting up

"I found a cockroach in the shower actually" he explained crinkling up his nose

"Did you use that soap bar?" She asked, crossing her fingers, hoping he was at least smart enough to realise it was reused

"Yeah, it smells great" he said happily extending his arm under her nose. She gaged slapping it away

"That was the most mangy piece of soap I have ever seen... I cannot believe you used that" she said in disbelief "you are not allowed to touch me ever again Styles"

"Not even like this" he teased wrapping her in his arms, she pushed him away playfully

"Not even like that" she squealed jumping off the bed and heading for the bathroom to retrieve her clothes off the floor.

"We need to go soon" he said clicking his fingers, Aria rolled her eyes

"Says the one in a towel, I'm going to be dressed before you are can even make your way into the bathroom you turtle" she teased quickly slipping on her jeans and singlet

"No fair!" He sang waddling over in his towel jumping into his clothes, Aria felt a bit scared at how fast he got dressed "well I think we are ready to leave"

"You pai-" a familiar voice echoed from down the hall at the reception desk and it made Arias hairs stand on end, Harry's eyes widened realising who it was.

"What the fuck is she doing here" he whispered as they both scurried to the door to try and listen to their conversation

"I know you know where they are" she yelled from down the hall, the sound of keys dropping on the tiles startled them both "which room are they in and I won't kill you" she dared

"They're in room 101" he choked, followed by a thud of his body on the desk and a pair of heels clicking down the hall.

"Harry..." Aria said below a whisper tugging on his tee shirt. He rushed her over to the window tapping at the glass soon realising that it wasn't the type of window to lift open. Aria bit her lip listening to the heels clicking getting fonder by the second. He panicked clicking his vision over to the chair sitting awkwardly in the corner of the room, breathing in a sharp breath he raced over to it swinging it at the window causing it shatter loudly.

A hiss erupted from outside the room and Aria squealed knowing her mother now knew they were still her. Extending their wings they trotted through the glass taking flight just in time. Harry looked back to see Deb staring back at them shaking what seemed like a fist. Only to discover it was most definitely not a fist.

I haven't done an authors note in lyke forever!

Lol, okay well I fell like the story is losing all purpose now and it becoming SUPER BORING!

So I am sorry for that, I don't mean to suck!

Congratulations on my friend Darcii on getting her first job at mcdonalds!!!

So proud of you!

Okay, I had writers block for a while so sorry for the late update!

Kk ily xxx

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