Chapter 38

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Harry made a popping sound as he sucked all the chocolate off of his fingers. Licking his lips his curious green eyes scanned the room for Aria, when no figure was detected he stood up, almost worried.

"Aria!" He chanted prancing around the cabin, freely looking behind all the objects the little girl could possibly be hiding behind. A light shone from the room opposite where he was standing and he smirked. There she was, standing short and still, she made his heart crumble and he was having trouble realising if it was good for his health. Light on his feet he tip toed over to her location, squeaking a few floorboards on his way.

Jumping in front of her he made a loud noise that he hoped would make her jump, or at least flinch but she didn't. Instead she stood there, hard as a stone tears flooding her glassy eyes. Mouth shaking, teeth chattering and nose twitching. A rotten scent burnt Harry's nostrils, his nose instantly crinkling up. Arias eyes didn't budge though, they were fixed on something and it made him shudder. He frowned following her gaze slowly turning around, his mouth flew to his mouth to catch his scream that would've escaped.

It was almost impossible to count the amount of bodies piled on one another, skin falling off the bone, eyes popping out of their skulls and sticky blood dripping in a pool under them. Harry's arm became in contact with Arias chest. Hard.

"Run" he whispered as calmly as he could muster. Aria shook with fear as she clung onto him.

"Harry, I'm so scared..." She stuttered.

"We need to get out of here" he nodded grabbing her wrist and dragging her out of the sick cabin. His legs thudded on the ground as they ran further into the woods, getting as far as they could. A road came in sight as they continued running, it became closer and Harry knew that the it was always safer than the trees. A gurgling sound erupted from behind him and he frowned looking back at Aria realising she had just thrown up.

"Harry I can't" she puffed, tears pooling down her rosy cheeks

"It's okay" he cooed watching he eyes dilate with panic.

"I can't do this anymore..." She breathed quickly "I am not an angel Harry, I'm a normal girl"

"Aria, you need to breathe" he demonstrated what steady breathing appeared

"No Harry, You need to realise that I am so over all this drama" she admitted flailing her arms about. Harry stood there, arms crossed as he performed the breathing patterns

"That-" pause "was too far!" She screamed pointing to the cabin that was out of their sight.

"Ari, we need to go" he said patiently

"Can't you see I'm done?" She cried collapsing her knees down on the rough bark below "I'm so done with this"

"It's okay, you don't have to"

"YES I DO!" She screamed digging her fingernails into her scalp, Harry took a cautious step towards her "THAT BITCH IS FOLLOWING ME!"

"It's going to be okay"

"NO!" She took a sharp breath "You know it's never going to be okay, until she's caught me and she's satisfied it will never be okay"

"That's why we need to fight" he paused "so it can be okay"

"Oh... Harry" she whimpered starting to sob, he took the opportunity to wrap his warming arms around her small body, to pull her closer, to make her feel safe.

"What can I do?" He sighed, inching closer to her warmth

"Just take me anywhere, anywhere but here" she sniffed

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