Chapter 41

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Sorry for the late update LOOOOL!

Writers block...Aright I'm back tho so no need to worry

Cause I know someone who was worrying (Jazz)

Aria didn't understand the feeling that consisted inside her heart, throbbing whenever he was near, beating just a little bit faster when his skin collided with her own. It was an electric feeling but somehow she enjoyed it. She enjoyed studying his reactions to things, and the way his muscles tensed when he did certain activities. His green eyes made her feel lost, so helplessly lost in his love. But what made her heart swell, what made her knees buckle was his devious smirk; his dimples that made craters on either cheek, and his plump lips that pouted into a grin was what she lived for. She didn't know if she was momentarily lost in his good looks, or his personality... All she knew was that she was slowly but helplessly falling for the curly haired boy.

Footsteps approached behind her as the wind winded at her hair causing it the fail. Harry's sweet breaths trailed down her neck causing her to close her eyes in pleasure. Soon his arms snaked around her waist pulling her closer towards his warmth. She was so immature, so oblivious to realise his love was basically radiating off onto her... His green eyes were always plastered in an attitude she never recognised, she could never identify what love looked like until she looked up and saw the two of them in the mirror.

His arms around her waist, head resting on her shoulder, eyes shot with fait and truth. Her vision fluttered up to herself as she stared into her own eyes, she wasn't sure what Harry saw in her that attracted him so much... Maybe it was her personality or her physique, whatever it was she finally understood how lucky she was to have this boy. She could call him whenever she was in trouble or needed nurturing and he would be right by her side... She didn't know how important these traits were until now.

"This house is beautiful" he whispered breaking the comfortable silence

"Its breath taking..." She replied bluntly, still trying to figure out her state

"What's going on in your head?"

"I'm just thinking" she lied

"About what?" She rose an eyebrow looking back at him, his appearance made her heart flutter

"Why don't you read my mind?"

"I don't read your mind for advantage" a silence arose once again as she thought about his statement.

"You seem really stressed... Are you okay?" Aria shook her head regaining consciousness of the moment

"No... I'm not okay" Harry frowned holding her just a little but tighter

"I knew this whole father thing would be to much for you..."

"It's not that" she whispered un attaching his hands so she could look into his eyes

"What is it then..."

"I need advice"

"Okay... Ask me anything"

"What would you do if... You loved someone but didn't know how to tell them?" Harry's face dropped, and she swore she saw tears forming in his eyes


"I'm so confused Harry" she choked as she started to sob into her hands, only his arms didn't wrap around her body... He just sat still on the bed, watching her cry "I don't know what to do anymore" she explained because it was true, what was there to do... She wasn't even sure if Harry was the person she wanted to waste her three words on, she was so caught between her fantasies and realities she didn't even expect Harry's lips to collide with hers.

Caution: this next scene is VERY explicit, if you are under the age of 13 or are offended by nudity and sexual behaviour you can skip the rest of the chapter and I promise I will continue the chapter so you don't miss anything important. Please note that I do not focus on the sexual behaviours but more on the thoughts and love.

Harry was so gentle, so nervous and so caring. Aria was laying on the bed, under his complete vulnerability and for once in her life she trusted someone. It it felt amazing. He sponged his swollen lips down her neck causing a slight moan the escape her lips, causing her to tighten her grip on his hair. The butterflies in her stomach erupted when his lips reached her stomach, she knew this wasn't just a kiss.

"Harry..." she moaned arching her back, he smirked against her soft skin, the affect he had on her was turning him on dramatically and he needed more. His arms were used to hover himself over her continuing the kisses, trailing down her collar bones which he discovered was her sweet spot. His fingertips teased at the strap of her dress, which was soon to be on the floor. He seductively slid it down her body, arousing her as he skimmed her sensitive spots around her hips and thighs.

She was stripped, underwear and bra. Only he was fully clothed and she could clearly see the bulge through the thick fabric of his boxers and jeans combined. She smirked reaching for them and tugging them down his ankles, his lips collided with hers again as he unbuttoned his shirt, throwing it over to the side where the rest of the clothes laid. The sight of his stomach aroused Aria causing her to trail her delicate fingers over the bumps, receiving small whimpers from her victim.

Harry's hips collapsed against his, grinding, kissing, kissing, kissing. Aria felt senseless moans fall from her lips and certain gasps when he nibbled at her sensitive area. The bed creaked as his movements became forcefully and a certain craving took over her body causing her to reach her hands up, clinging onto the bare skin on his back. The kiss was now more intense than it started off, she could tell Harry was asking for permission to unclasp her bra, she was still unsure but felt like she could trust him. Another forceful roll against her hips sent her back off the bed, whilst it was arched Harry reached his hands under un clipping the bar. She whimpered when he became to pull it down her arms and throw it away.

"It's okay" he whispered into the deepened kiss, she moaned pulling herself up to connect their hips together again. The electricity shocking her directed her what to do next, she never pictured herself ever doing this sort of thing with a boy... It was forbidden in the nunnery, but now she knew what she was missing out on and she never wanted to go back there. Never. Harry's warm hands cupped over her breasts massaging them as they kept the kiss deep. Aria didn't know how much longer she could take of this torture, she was trying her best to stifle her moans as he continued pleasuring her. Blood filled her mouth as she felt a wound on the inside of her bottom lip, she winced letting go of it. Instantly transforming her moans into howls.

"God dammit Aria" he moaned tiptoeing his fingers down to the band of her underwear, slipping his fingers under the hem and sliding them down the thighs, leaving her completely bare and vulnerable. Harry disconnected their kiss examining her body as she laid their embarrassed and breathless. Her red stained cheeks burnt with nervousness and anticipation.

"you are so beautiful" he whispered connecting their lips again, she breathed heavily against his swollen lips. She whimpered pulling him closer, if it was even possible. Harry smirked nuzzling his kissing into her neck, causing her to roll her head back into the pillow, moaning uncontrollably.

"Aria, I don't... Fuck.... I don't want to... Do this is...If you don't want to" he moaned hovering on top of her naked body

"Harry...I love you" she admitted pulling his lips back down to hers, she could feel his grin against her lips and it made her heart swell. His boxers tickled her thighs as they hung over them, she licked her lips before un attaching them with her feet. She watched as he kicked them off towards their clothes, they were both completely naked and she couldn't believe she was actually doing this.

"I love you so fucking much Aria" he moaned into her ear.

Teasing people since birth. Peace out horny teenagers!

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