Chapter 11 -Long Live The King

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Mal turned to her hands, that now glowed a reddish hue, she was startled as Maleficent's black robe dissipated into mere whisps. Why was her magic glowing red? Maleficent was always green. It was then that she heard a familiar voice, Carlos came to her and held her by the shoulders.

"Mal! are you okay? I saw." said Carlos, Mal turned to him, and Carlos looked taken aback. It was probably the red eyes. What was she going to say? that her mother decided to pay her a visit and she burned her mother? 

"What did you see?" Mal replied. Carlos simply shrugged as he embraced her.

"Everything, I heard everything, and I want you to know that I'm here for you." He said, as Dude rubs its face on her leg. Mal chuckled, but it died down as soon as she turned to Carlos. Her face stricken with grief as she embraced him once more.

"Please don't tell the others, they're counting on me. I don't know what I'll tell them if you do." Mal said, Carlos merely shook his head.

"No one is counting on anyone, the four of us are best friends. We could even be family. Do not ever feel like you're the only one carrying the weight. What was that spell that you used to say that never worked on the  isle? something about the five of us?" Carlos said. Mal chuckled as she remembered the first time she cast it. 


 The five villain kids were seated in a circle with Mal, spellbook in hand, turned to her four friends. Dianna, the ill-tempered friend who would do anything to protect her friends. Even sacrifice herself. She glowed differently that night, usually her red was fiery, but tonight it was scarlet. Perhaps her stroll in the docks had something to do with it? either way, she looked like she was full of love and laughter. 

She then turned to Evie, staring at herself through a broken mirror shard. She was the only friend that, though cared what she looked like. Could love anyone because of who they are and never their physical form. 

Carlos and Jay were as usual, tumbling around as they beat each other up. Mal rolled her eyes, but she knew, that they were inseparable. Two brothers, born by dragon's fire, melded by magic. Mal could only hope that Evie and Dianna felt that way about her. 

"Guys, come here. I wanna show you something." Mal said, the four villain kids turned to her and gathered. 

"Whats up Mal?" Jay said. Mal simply gestured them to sit, and as they did, she turned to her spellbook.  

"I wanna try this spell. I think it could work here." She replied. The others looked taken aback. Interested, they turned to her with prying eyes. Mal cleared her throat as she spoke the words from her spellbook.

The strength of evil

is as good as none

when stands before 

five hearts as one

She repeated, and suddenly a brush of air echoed through the apartment. The girls hair started blowing everywhere and Mal swore that their eyes glowed a mixture of green, red and blue for a flash. Jay and Carlos started to glow an orange hue.

or at least that's what she thought.

because in a flash the air died down, and everything was normal.  The four villain kids turned to Mal with raised eyebrows. 

"I didn't feel anything." They said in unison.


"The strength of evil

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