Part 2- Back Home

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Sunset Shimmer: *to Glare worriedly* This has to be a bad dream. Wake up, Sunset. Wake up!

Glare- *looks in concern*

[Pinkie pinches her]

Sunset Shimmer: Ow!

Pinkie Pie: Nope. You're awake. *pinches herself* Ow! [giggles] Me, too! [giggles]

Glare: *to them worriedly* We can see your memories, and we're not in them!

Applejack/AJ: *arches their eyebrows* And exactly how is it you can see our memories, if you don't mind us askin'?

Sunset/Glare: *shows them their geodes worriedly* With these!

Rarity: *glares* Oh, pfft! It's obviously a cheap knockoff of ours.

Elusive- *nods and scoffs*

Sunset Shimmer: *worried* We got them together.

Glare- *worried* You were there, remember?

Fluttershy/Butterscotch: *whispers to Applejack and AJ worriedly* Why are theystill talking to us?

Applejack/AJ- *glares at Sunset and Glare still*

Sunset Shimmer: *worried* Pinkie Pie, Bubble Berry, what about when we came to your sleepover before the Battle of the Bands?

Bubble: *glares at them* Ha! The closest you two have ever come to a party of ours is freshman year, when you pretended to be Applejack and texted us, *in a southern accent* "Your party is lamer than a hungry duck in snow boots."

Applejack: *glares* Like I'd ever say that.

Pinkie: *hugs Bubble about to cry* It really hurt our feelings.

Fluttershy/Butterscotch: *glares* And it wasn't very nice to the ducks, either.

Glare- *worried* What about at the Fall Formal?

Humane 5/Human Colt 5- *glares at them hard*

Twilight/Dusk- *looks at them* Did you guys ever tell us about that?

Pinkie- *smiles and hugs Twilight and Dusk* Ok, so there were these other students who are also our friends named Twilight and Dusk who look just like you minus the glasses and they ran for Fall Formal Prince and Princess and won!

Bubble- *glares at Sunset and Glare* But they had to go through obstacles...

Fluttershy/Butterscotch- *glares at them* That embarrassing campaign video. The whole school was laughing at them.

Rainbow/Blitz- *glares at them* Then framing them for trashing the gym when you two had Snips, Snails, Spice and Sugar do it so they could lose the ballot.

Applejack/AJ- *glares at them* And that's before you two showed your true colors*

Sunset/Glare: *desperately* That was a long time ago. *looks at Twilight and Dusk pleadingly* Twilight, Dusk, you remember us, right? We've all been through so much together. *tears start to form in their eyes* Please...

Twilight/Dusk: *looks down* We only met two you once, when you yelled at us at the Games.

Sunset/Glare: *worried* Doesn't anyone remember that we've changed?! *realizes and looks at each other*  Maybe not anyone. *runs off* We'll be right back!

Rarity/Elusive: *calls out* Don't hurry back, darling!

*under the lifeguard post Sunset and Glare look through the journal*

Sunset Shimmer: [sighs] *writing* Dear Princess Twilight and Prince Dusk, this is gonna sound crazy, but... are we all friends?

Glare- *writes* Are we... nice?

Equestria Girls/Guys: Forgotten FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now