Part 3- Unlikely Allies

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*back at at the beach everyone is relaxing*

Pinkie Pie: *smiles* We've been out here a while.

Bubble- *takes out frosting* Time to reapply!

[they reapply cupcake frosting on their arms disgusting the others]

Twilight: *looks at the others in concern* I've been thinking... Should we be worried about Sunset Shimmer and Sunset Glare?

Dusk- *nods in concern*

Trixie: *lounging on a chair by them* Yeah! Worried they come back! I think it's a shame the way they're treating you guys, pretending to be your friends. They're obviously up to something. Sunset and Glare thinks the whole school exists just to serve them. [snaps, to Snips and Snails] Water, please! *gets a drink of water*

Trixter- *smirks at the others* You know, seeing as how the yearbook presidents seem to be having a little identity crisis, I believe that means the vice presidents takes over. And, why... [gasps] that's you, Rarity and Elusive!

Rarity: *to him* If this is your way of asking to be made "The Greatest and Most Powerful", the answer is no.

Elusive- *thinks* And didn't we have this conversation yesterday? *confused* I can't quite remember.

Applejack/AJ: *unsure* Uh...

Fluttershy/Butterscotch: *shrugs* Hmm.

Trixie/Trixter: Maybe we did, maybe we didn't. Memory is such a fickle thing. You never know when you'll forget something important. *serious* Like how Great and Powerful we are, which is why we need to be in the yearbook!

Rarity/Elusive: [groans in annoyance] We'll think about it.

Trixie/Trixter: *smirks* That's all we ask.

*back in Equestria*

Sunset Shimmer: *to Celestia, Solaris, Twilight, and Dusk* We should be getting back to our world. Maybe we can convince our friends we're telling the truth, now that we know what we're looking for.

Glare- *looks at Twilight and Dusk for a second* *about to say something*

Twilight: *serious* The Memory Stone. We'll stay here and search the restricted section top to bottom until we find a way to get our friends' memories back.

Sunset/Glare: *concerned* *their ears lower* If that's even possible.

Twilight: Oh, it's possible. Even if we have to reorganize the whole library by subject. Or maybe chronologically!

Dusk- *nods to them* We'll figure it out.

Sunset/Glare- *ears slightly flatten*

Celestia/Solaris- *notices Sunset and Glare's expression* *sincerely* That won't be necessary Twilight and Dusk. We'll do more research while you both go back with Sunset Shimmer and Sunset Glare.

*the four look in shock at Celestia and Solaris*

Celestia- *smiles calmly* The four of you have...a close bond with each other and I know that you'll start to worry about each other...

Solaris- *to Twilight and Dusk* Since you two are the only ones in that other world that remember Sunset and Glare, we know that they'll need you two and we also know that you two will be deeply worried about them...

Sunset/Glare/Twilight/Dusk- *blushes hard and looks at each other sheepishly*

Twilight/Dusk- *nods* Of course we'll go...

Sunset/Glare- *happily hugs them*

*the four share a nice nuzzle*

Sunset/Glare: *smiles and releases* Thank you. All of you.

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