Part 5- A Sacrifice Worthy Of Friendship

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[door shaking and banging]

Sunset: Is anybody out there? Somebody open the door! *to everyone* If we don't get outta here and figure out who has the Stone, in a few hours, it'll be too late to restore everyone's memories.

Glare- *worried* We'll lose our friends forever.

P. Twilight- *serious* We have to get out of here!

Trixie/Trixter: *serious* How are we supposed to catch someone who can erase our memory every time we get close to catching them?

[Sunset uncrumples a piece of paper]

Sunset/Glare: *realizes* By being clever!

Trixie/Trixter: *confused* Wha?

Sunset: I wrote myself a note. "Check the video." Yes! *looks at the Selfie Sensor* It's been recording this whole time!

P. Dusk- *smirks* Clever indeed.

Trixie/Trixter: Twilight's and Dusk's camera? *confused* What are you guys talking about?

Sunset: *smiles* I don't remember doing it, but I must have realized our memories would get erased, so I pressed record!

[video rewinding]

Wallflower Blush: [on video] That's my garden.

Trixie/Trixter: *confused* Who's that?

Sunset/Glare: *serious* Wallflower Blush.

Trixie/Trixter: Name's not ringing a bell.

*the four roll their eyes unamused*

[Wallflower Blush]
[on video] You don't see me fitting in...

Trixie: Ugh. *fast-forwards*

[song fast-forwarding]

*the six look at each other*

Trixter: *blinks* Long song, huh?

Sunset/Glare: [on video angrily] What did we do to you?! Honestly, we don't even know you!

Wallflower Blush: [on video] Exactly! You two had everyone fooled, but now they know you're still the Biggest Meanies!

Trixie/Trixter- *looks at Sunset and Glare in concern*

Sunset/Glare: [on video] You're about to see how mean we can get!

[the video stops as they all sit in silence]

Trixie/Trixter: *admits* She's kinda right about you two.

Sunset/Glare: [sarcastically] Yeah, thanks.

Trixie: Actually, the Wise and Moralizing Trixie and Trixter was making a point.

Trixter- *looks at them* You two said you didn't do anything.

Sunset/Glare: We didn't! We weren't mean to her at all!

Trixie: *sincerely* But maybe it's not good enough to not be mean to someone.

Trixter- *sincerely* Maybe you have to be nice.

Sunset: *looks at them* You're right. Not that it matters. We're still trapped in here. [sighs]

Glare- *realizes and looks at them* Unless you two can magic us out of here.

Twilight/Dusk- *their hands start glowing magenta but they fizzle out* *pants and leans on the counter* The Memory Stone must've did something to our no.

Sunset- *thinks and looks at Trixie and Trixter* What about your smoke bombs?

Trixie: *crosses her arms* Ooh, what's the point in trying?

Equestria Girls/Guys: Forgotten FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now