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guess who's back and kicking depression's ass...

lmao not me...

but here's this chapter.

Keith's POV:

Keith woke to the blaring of an alarm clock with crimson text. The team's shelter, a Walmart, was tinted a dusty pink. He squinted at the digital clock from afar, which read 6:30. Keith looked around him, taking in the morning hues. Everyone around him was slowly waking up, their postures groggy. Shiro had said they'd be waking up early to train, but why sunrise? Keith sat up, rubbing his eyes awake. His shoulders hunched forward instinctively. His red shirt draped loosely around his pale, sunken torso. He was skinny to begin with, but ever since the apocalypse had started, he had lost even more weight. It wasn't because they didn't have food, they actually had a surplus given their circumstances. All Keith could ever think about, whether he be awake or asleep, was the unfortunate situation he had been caught in. He couldn't even think about eating anymore. He couldn't stomach anything, because every time he ate, he felt like he'd just vomit it back up. No matter how hard Keith tried, he couldn't shake the image that had been engraved in his mind the night Lance begged him to let him into the store. The fine details haunted him, everything he smelled was overtaken by the way those horrid creatures smelled. Everything he ate reminded him of the way Lance and Shiro had described their primal eating habits. He knew Shiro would notice, and force him to eat again, but for now he won't worry about that. He slips arms through his jacket, swiftly calming his shivering nerves. Whether the shivering came from his mind or the cold draft, he couldn't really tell anymore.

Shiro walks into the room, fully dressed, fully awake, fully prepared. He throws a look of disapproval towards the half-awake teenagers.
"Day 1. Be ready in ten minutes." he announces, his voice practically booming in the silence.

Everyone groans.

10 Minutes Later

Everyone is dressed. They stand shoulder to shoulder, awaiting instruction from their new leader.

"Alright everyone. Today I'll be teaching you basic survival skills. Since we don't have real weapons yet, I'll be showing you how to do fatal damage with what we do have. Anything before we start?"

"I have a question, actually." Lance says, haphazardly raising his hand. "You said we needed to get guns, right?"

"Yes." Shiro responds.

"Well what's the point of guns if you said they can hear them from a five mile radius? Wouldn't that make us worse off than we are now?"

"We need guns for defense, not offense. We can stand on top of the Walmart and shoot. So we wouldn't be going out and fighting them on their own territory, we'd by killing the ones that invaded ours." Shiro responds confidently.

"What good would killing them do? There's so many out there, it'd hardly make a difference." Lance asked, confused.

"Hm... Let's see... Would you rather have 300 of them outside our base, and risk them getting in at any time, ultimately resulting in us getting eaten alive, or would you rather have 0 of them outside our base?"

"Oh." Lance responded, embarrassed.

"Yeah Lance I don't know about you, but if I'm gonna get killed in this mess, I'd rather not get eaten alive by a zombie." Hunk chimed in.

Keith put his head in his hands. "Aw, dude, come on. Don't call them that." He looked like he was going to vomit. Everyone else looked notably uncomfortable.

"What? It's true." Said Hunk, defensively.

"That doesn't mean you call them that!" Lance yelled.

"Call them what?" Hunk asked.

"The Z word!" Shouted Coran.

"What? Oh, zombies?"

"I'm gonna be sick." Keith muttered, hunched over.

short chapter, but guess who's back! I have to have a signature 'thing' at the end of every chapter, it used to be the albums I listened to while writing this, but I don't listen to music while writing anymore as it distracts me. so I'll start doing QOTD.

QOTD: how do you feel about pineapples on pizza?

H O M E S I C K - Voltron Zombie Apocalypse AUWhere stories live. Discover now